Travel in a Book Giveaway!

CaraFiction Friday, reviews; 19 Comments

Can I be honest? It’s always a little stunning to me when authors and publishers ask me to consider endorsing a book. Two of the above books I was asked to do that. Yep. I’m even on the back cover of Lynette Eason’s Life Flight. Say what?!?! @Cara_Putman is sharing reviews of @lynetteeason @tonieshilohwrite @reginajennings with #giveaway Click To Tweet …

Monday Reads: Husband Auditions (& Giveaway)

CaraFiction Friday 1 Comment

How far would you go to find the perfect husband? All the way back to the 1950s? That’s the premise of Husband Audtions, the latest novel from Angela Ruth Strong. Do you love a sweet romcom? One that keeps you chuckling and lightens your days just by reading it? Also love characters that are special and unique? Add in a …

The Post We Wrote Together & Summer Books & Gift

CaraFiction Friday 52 Comments

I’m sitting here… a bit blank. So I’ve asked my 10 year old for a topic for today’s post. We’ll see how this goes. He’s not exactly cooperating. Ah, now he is. (BTW, isn’t his smolder the cutest?) The topic: TEETH. Really? Of all words he could choose? Teeth? So he has a really loose tooth. That probably led to …

Fiction Friday: Indentured Earl by Erica Vetsch

CaraFiction Friday 1 Comment

There’s something about a book that will pull me back in time that I’ve loved more than ever this last year. As a reader, I tend to split my time between historicals and suspense (I know! Quite a blend, but there you have it.) The Indebted Earl was an enjoyable Regency with a wonderful heroine and interesting hero. Captain Charles …

Bingeing all the Books!

CaraFiction Friday 22 Comments

Last week, Indiana got enough snow that Purdue closed for a day. That may not seem significant, but I’ve lived near Purdue for twenty years, and this is only the third day that I remember the campus being closed. Needless to say, I was grateful to not do a snow dance to campus in my car, and it allowed me …

The Genesis of Lethal Intent & Giveaway

CaraFiction Friday Leave a Comment

@Cara_putman shares the story behind Lethal Intent and a massive #giveaway. Click To Tweet Each novel has a unique genesis story. The spark that launches it into a journey of 90,000 words. For Lethal Intent, that journey began with a friend’s journey of childhood leukemia with her oldest. From watching their family wind through years of treatment including cutting edge therapy …

Fiction Fridays: Book Chats

CaraFiction Friday 1 Comment

While I love writing, I’m a reader first. I love finding new-to-me authors that allow me to binge through their books, so I’m always on the look our for new books to try. Are you the same way? Do you have your trusted authors that you read everything they write? But let’s face it, authors are slow! Crafting those wonderful …

Do you finish every book?

CaraFiction Friday 2 Comments

Usually, when I start a book I finish it. If I don’t, it’s because it gets buried in a corner. @cara_Putman asks: Do you finish every book? Why? Or why not? Join the conversation. Click To Tweet In the last week there were two books I was listening to that I had to stop and return to the library. One, …