Fiction Friday: Books & Giveaway

CaraFiction Friday 5 Comments

With this week’s Fiction Friday, I’d love to share three historical novels with you. They are as different as they can be. One is set in Regency England, another in 1860s Colorado, with the final set in 1930s Hollywood. Each has an interplay of mystery with some level of romance. A Noble Masquerade and Fire & Ice are both romances first …

Fiction Friday: Married ’til Monday

CaraFiction Friday 32 Comments

Denise Hunter writes emotional romances. Married ’til Monday perfectly fits that model. In Married ’til Monday the reader gets pulled into Ryan McKinley’s broken marriage — he didn’t want it to end…in fact he’s bought his ex-wife’s dream home in some delusional attempt to live the dream. Abby is getting ready to move far away in what she thinks is her dream job. …

Fiction Friday: The Bones Will Speak

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The Bones Will Speak is an absolute page turner. Carrie Stuart Parks has quickly developed a style that goes deep into a story with multiple plot lines intersecting throughout the pages. This style makes it incredibly hard to put a book down. Where the A Cry From the Dust dove into a what if regarding Mormon history, The Bones Will Speak dives into the …

Fiction Friday: Among the Fair Magnolias

CaraFiction Friday 10 Comments

Today, as part of Friday Fiction, I’m delighted to tell you a bit about this new collection of historical, Southern novellas Among the Fair Magnolias. Also, be sure to read to the bottom to enter a giveaway of this book. I had to read this collection because it has a novella from my friend Tamera Alexander. If you read her latest book, …

Fiction Friday: Sarah Sundin’s Through Waters Deep

CaraFiction Friday 3 Comments

Today I’m delighted to introduce you to my friend and co-author of Where Treetops Glisten Sarah Sundin. I love Sarah’s World War II novels — she does so much research and has such a passion for the time period that they really come to life. Today, I’m asking her about her latest novel Through Waters Deep. Now I loved this novel! I think it’s one …

Fiction Friday: Curiosity Keeper

CaraFiction Friday, giveaway 25 Comments

Authors like Julie Klassen and Sarah Ladd have made me a fan of regency romances. With The Curiosity Keeper, Sarah is starting a new series — this one focuses on the working class of early 1800s England. I ADORED this novel. Love #regency #romances? @cara_putman #giveaway of @sarahLaddAuthor The Curiosity Keeper. #amreading Click To Tweet The Curiosity Keeper is a Regency novel …

Fiction Friday: Picture Perfect Love

CaraFiction Friday 8 Comments

Some days a girl just wants a quick story that can be read in a sitting or two, yet tells a full romance. Picture Perfect Love is a novella that tells a story of hope and reconciliation after love is lost over a misunderstanding. Jenna has worked hard to rebuild her life, and Ashton is no longer part of it. Until he …