Betsy St. Amant joined my list of must-read authors with All’s Fair in Love & Cupcakes, a fun (and sweet) romance. With Love Arrives in Pieces, she’s solidified her place as a go-to contemporary romance authors. This story has a depth that will speak to many women. We so often confuse who we are with how we look. We either focus so …
Fiction Friday: Now & Forever
It’s Fiction Friday, and sometimes a gal just wants to laugh, maybe swoon a bit. When that’s the case, Mary Connealy is a go to author for me. Her books make me laugh out loud while also making me think deeply on spiritual journeys. #Cowboy romance with heart? Add suspense? Sign me up. #amreading @MaryConnealy Click To Tweet Her books …
Fiction Friday: Fatal Trauma
It’s Fiction Friday and time to introduce you to another novel. Fortunately, there is no shortage of great Christian fiction being written. Today I’m excited to tell you about Dr. Richard Mabry’s latest work. In Fatal Trauma, the reader is set up for a thrill filled ride. From the first pages, the action pulsates. There’s also a complicated romance and strong …
Fiction Friday: Christy Award Finalists
The Christy Award winners will be announced at the end of the month. Traditionally, the Christy goes to the best book in several different categories of Christian fiction. This year’s list of finalists can be found here. I’m delighted to see so many friends’ books on the list and thought I’d focus this week’s Fiction Friday on a recap of …
Fiction Friday: Every Bride Needs a Groom
Today I’m delighted to introduce you to Janice Thompson’s Latest book. Be sure to read to the end because I have a copy to give away to one lucky reader! Love books with humor and romance? Love a heroine who is small town adorable discovering the big city? How about a hunky hero that is out of place yet perfect? …
Fiction Friday: A Love Like Ours
A Love Like Ours is the perfect romance. A wounded hero. A heroine who just wants to help him. Horse racing. The heat of love. Horses. A great cast of secondary characters. Did I mention horses? Looking for perfect #Romance? @Cara_putman suggests @BeckyWadeWriter A Love Like Yours. #amreading Click To Tweet This is a book that I adored. Lyndie just …
Fiction Friday: No Place to Hide
Yesterday I was over at Inspired by Life & Fiction confessing that I am a book addict. (I started by typing was a book addict,” and then corrected it — I will always adore books!). So it is perfectly fitting that today I’m talking about Lynette Eason’s new book: No Place to Hide. Love #RomanticSuspense? The try @lynetteeason new book No …
Book Friday: Heart Sisters
Today I’m thrilled to introduce you to my friend Natalie Chamber Snapp’s brand new book Heart Sisters. Be sure to read to the end because I’m giving one copy away. You’ll want a chance to read this! Let’s have an honest moment. Yeah, I know. Those are soooo rare around here. But seriously, if you’ve been a woman for long …
Fiction Friday: Books I’m Reading & My TBR Pile
Today starts my last weekend of MBA classes. Woot! If you missed my happy dance, be sure to go here. It’s six seconds of sheer silliness that had my 14 year-old rolling her eyes. Because of the intensity of these last days of classes, I haven’t finished a novel this week. Scandalous! But I’m in the process with two I’m really enjoying. Need …
Fiction Friday: The Sparrow of Terezin
Today in Fiction Friday, I want to introduce you to the latest book from my friend Kristy Cambron. In the Sparrow of Terezin, Kristy Cambron has crafted a beautiful story of parallel journeys: a completely free-standing story set during World War II, and the other a continuation of the contemporary story in The Butterfly & the Violin. The pages move seamlessly from …