One of the things I’ve done bit by bit through our time at home these last months is organizing different corners of the house. I had to laugh when each bookshelf I was working through had a copy of the same Lisa Scottoline book. The top one Lisa autographed for me at International Thriller Writers conference a couple summers ago. …
The Cross Series + Link to Giveaway
I love a good suspense series. Especially when the action is tense and the characters multi-dimensional. The Cross series gives us exactly that. The first book opens with a punch of activity then eases to a breath before building again in intensity. John Cross is also wrestling with how to marry his past with his faith. He doesn’t do it …
Read to Not be Alone + Giveaway
Anyone else feeling a bit isolated and alone? We are still largely sheltering in place in our corner of Indiana, and the weeks are getting long. A friend posted something on Friday about it being 70 days since she’d seen her husband — they were separated when the country she’d traveled to locked down — and the number made me …
Fiction Friday: The Best We’ve Been
My friend Beth Vogt joins us this week as she launches her latest novel, The Best We’ve Been. I had the privilege of reading this book for endorsement. There is so very much to love about it. The Best We’ve Been is a beautiful story of what happens when life doesn’t go as planned and how it can pull us closer together. …
Thoughts of a Writer + Giveaway
Tuesday Flight Risk launched into the world. Launch weeks are always busy. There’s marketing. Copious amounts of coffee. Nerves all over the place. Walks to control stress. More caffeine. Lots of prayer and holding one’s breath. What will people think? Join @cara_putman as she celebrates the launch of #FlightRisk with a #giveaway Click To Tweet Will they love and enjoy …
Suspense Recommendations for a Quarantine: CBA Go-Tos
Physical distancing is hard for this extrovert. Still I’m hunkered down with my family for the foreseeable future to help protect others. There are a few things I’m doing to help keep us in a good place. Light a few candles so your space smells good. Choose music to play in the background that puts you in a good headspace. …
Fiction Friday: Books to add to Your TBR Pile + Giveaway
Ready or not it’s December and we 19 days from Christmas. Is anyone else wondering how on earth this happened and where 2019 had disappeared? I wanted to sneak one more Fiction Friday into the year…Maybe I’ll have a chance to post a couple more, but with the speed this year has passed in, I’m not making promises! If you …
Fiction Friday Returns & Giveaway
The start to the semester has been hectic, but I’m back…with Fiction Friday. I’ve squeezed in time to read some really good books, and in classic Cara fashion, they are from a wide variety of genres. Truly something for every reader. Diamond in the Rough is a great example of why Jen Turano is a go-to for me. I spent …
Fiction Friday: It’s a Smorgasborg
Today I wanted to highlight a few different books. As you know, I read widely in lots of different genres. This collection of books reflects that. I’ve got a romantic suspense mixed with a rom com and a general market mystery. A little bit of this, a dash of that, and a sweetner or two. I’d love to know what …
Fiction Friday: Books, Sales, & Giveaway
It’s July and thatmeans the countdown to back-to-school is starting. In four weeks my three younger kids start 11th, 6th, and 4th grade. Two weeks later our oldest starts her sophomore year at Purdue. There’s so much I still want to do, but the reality is days are ticking down.But it also means many of us have some sort of …