You are not Alone

CaraGrief/Miscarriage Leave a Comment

Many of you know I had two miscarriages. It is part of my story (and the inspiration for Josie’s in A Promise Kept). My first happened the day before our anniversary — I’ll never forget the pain and questions that started then and continued … in some way until today. Then we had our third — after I almost lost …

When Mother’s Day Hurts, there is Hope

Carafaith thoughts, Grief/Miscarriage 6 Comments

That’s where I lived. But I wrestled it to the ground with God. I had to know that when I was curled up in the closet with so much pain that I didn’t know what to do, that God was there. I had to believe that He would somehow use the pain for His good. He has.

If you’re in the midst of your own pain right now (so many of my friends and loved ones are walking such hard journeys right now), know that God is there. He never leaves. He never forsakes us. Jesus endured that, so we wouldn’t have to.

So if you can’t feel Him, look up. Look out. You will find Him. And He can put your broken heart back together again.

Mourning turned into Dancing

Carafaith thoughts, Grief/Miscarriage 2 Comments

Six years ago, I experienced my first miscarriage. Sometime about now that baby would have been born. If you know anything about my story, you know that was a deep valley in my soul. I still cry when I think of that time and that loss. My arms still feel empty at times. And I’ll catch myself looking at our …

Mother’s Day: Pain or Joy?

Caramiscarriage, Parenting 2 Comments

In the shadow of Mother’s Day, I’m reminded of how painful Mother’s Day can be. It’s a holiday laced with immense pain for many… those who struggle to have children… those who had a bad relationship with their mother. Then there are those who have lost a child. Those who wait with longing for a child they’ve been matched with …

Living with No Regrets

CaraGrief/Miscarriage, life 1 Comment

Since January 27, my grandfather and uncle died…exactly one week apart. It’s one reason I haven’t posted as consistently as usual. My grandma doesn’t have wifi on the farm, and it was important to spend time with her. One theme that kept ringing through as we (my parents, siblings, cousins, extended family) walked through this dark time was that we …