Treasuring the Life I have

Carakids and school, life; faith 1 Comment

Summer is here…and with it I keep waiting for life to slow down. To settle into a dull, boring routine. We haven’t found that yet in Putman-ville. How about y’all? It has me on a quest to define normal. Yesterday we went strawberry picking and to the library. Follow that with a chaser of school (yes, I am that mom …

Learning New Skills: German Anyone?

Carahomeschooling, kids and school 3 Comments

Don’t ask me why…but I must have been bored because in January I decided to learn some German. This from the girl who at one time didn’t want to learn any languages then took ten credits of Spanish and twenty credits of French in college…don’t ask! The kids and I have been working on it together. After lots of research …

Learning Styles

Carakids and school 2 Comments

I know they’re important, especially now that I’m teaching my kids at home. It’s right up there with love language. I need to learn how to speak to and teach my kids in a way that is easy for them to grasp. So how do you figure out a child’s learning style? Take me for instance. Okay, so I’m not …