2 Million Words? Say what? + Giveaway

CaraParenting 1 Comment

I’ve been a voracious reader from a young age. In my pre-teen and early teen years, I kept a log of all the books I read. Many months it was 30, a compilation of Nancy Drew, Mandy, Trixie Beldon, and Cherry Ames books. Is it any surprise I write mysteries and thrillers. Read 2 million words this year? @cara_putman’s kids …

3 Tips to Lessen Summertime Craziness

Carafamily, Parenting Leave a Comment

Summer is upon us. After a winter that threatened to never end, the days are long, the weather is warm, and the pool is open. Summer Calendar going crazy? @Cara_Putman shares 3 tips to easy the #crazy. Click To Tweet If your family calendar looks anything like ours, it’s downright scary. We’re only four days into June and I’m already daunted. …

5 Reasons to Stop the Comparison Game

Carafaith thoughts, Parenting 1 Comment

Parenting isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s hard enough to mother in a generation where there are more how-to books than any one person could read. And each has a different strategy, a different technique, a different this-is-the-way-you-must-mother-or-you-have-epically-failed. Yet this ignores several important elements. 1) Each child is completely different. I have certainly seen this played out in my …

The Moments that Matter

CaraParenting Leave a Comment

Life is busy in the best possible way. Truly. But maybe you feel it, too. It’s flying so fast. We’re already two weeks into June. What? How on earth did that happen? Overwhelmed by the pace of life? @cara_putman urges capture moments. Click To Tweet In the race of days, I find it easy to get to the end of …

The Comparison Game

Carafaith thoughts, Parenting 1 Comment

Late last week I was somewhere – where doesn’t matter – but as I left my heart was grieved. Why? Because I listened to two younger moms talk for almost an hour about who’s schedule was more chaotic and driven than the others. As I listened my heart broke in so many ways. Maybe you can guess some of them. …