Bible Literacy

Carafaith thoughts, homeschooling, life; faith, Parenting Leave a Comment

This year the kids and I have been starting each morning with devotions. First, we read the day’s devotional from Jesus Calling for Kids. We are really enjoying those and talking about the challenges the author gives in how to live a life that lives with an ear attuned to Christ. Then we turn to the Bible. Last week we …

Happy Labor Day to the Dads

Carafamily, life, Parenting 2 Comments

Happy Labor Day to the dads? I know, I know. They aren’t the only ones among us who labor. We all do. This weekend, I’m particularly grateful for my husband…who got Dad of the Year kudos on Saturday for organizing a “Top Shot” style Nerf Dart gun event for our 7 year old son and his friends. I think my …

Mommy Brain anyone?

Carahomeschooling, life, Parenting 1 Comment

Several years ago, after my youngest daughter was born, I remember reading an article in USA Today about Mommy Brain. Before you laugh too hard, there is science supporting the reality that mothers of infants and toddlers have a condition called Mommy Brain. It is the absence of long term memory. Some days I think my short term memory has …

Are we breaking our kids?

Carafamily, Parenting 4 Comments

My sister posted a link on her facebook to an article written by Single Dad Laughing. I’d never heard of him, but the post really got me. Take a moment to pop over and read it here, then promise you’ll come back. Ouch. Think about it. How often have you seen a parent do that to a child in public? …

Dreaming With Our Kids

CaraParenting 1 Comment

So I didn’t really know what to blog about today, and my wonderful mom gave me a great idea. One that’s near and dear to my heart. Dreaming with Our Kids. I’ve often wondered why I’ve never felt like I couldn’t do something. No matter how crazy or out of this world, I thought anything I could dream was doable. …


Caraolympics, Parenting 2 Comments

Okay, if you’re awake, did you just watch the men win the 4 x 100 freestyle relay. OHMIGOSH!!!!! This was the most amazing relay I’ve ever watched. Eric and I stood with jaws hanging on the ground. It looked like the French had it sewn up. But WOWOWOWOWOW. What an absoltuely amazing race from all four but Lezak hit 46 …

Life: Bikes

CaraParenting 1 Comment

Remember those carefree days as a kid? You know. The ones where you’re coasting along on the saddle of your friendly bike. I remember the feeling of freedom. I could go wherever I wanted — or so it seemed. Now I know my parents had placed some boundaries on where exactly I could travel, but still it felt great to …

Just Thinking by Jolene Catlett (AKA my mom)

CaraParenting 2 Comments

Today, I’m going to post something a bit different. From time to time you’ll read me thinking about my parents and what they did right. Often, if I ask them point blank for parenting advice, they kind of shrug and move the conversation on. This weekend my mom sent me an article that will run in the North Plate Grapevine, …

For Mom’s Everywhere

CaraParenting 3 Comments

Just when I’m at a loss about what to blog, someone sends me an email. So here you go. Turn it up and smile 🙂 It’s the Mom’s Overture by Anita Renfroe. And it’s hilarious.