5 Tips to Tailor Social Media

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Social Media. I know…I’m cringing with you. There is so much pressure on writers to have an ever-growing social media presence. If you want to have a writing career, whether as a traditionally published author or one who publishes your own books, you have to become comfortable telling the world about them. After all, a book isn’t really a book …

Giveaway & a Quiz: Book Launch Fun

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In a week Christmas will be upon us. Are you ready? I’ve got most of my presents purchased and wrapped. Some chex mix and cookies made for gifting. And I’m ready to relax with family. One more week of homeschool and we can really kick-back. In the spirit of fun and giving, I’ve developed a couple giveaways and quizzes over …

Let’s have some fun!

Carafun, social media 5 Comments

I saw this on Melissa Tagg’s blog and had to steal it.  If you want to play along, the rules of being tagged are simple: answer the questions provided and then tag 11 others. 1. Book or movie and why? I adore books, but I also LOVE classic movies (Melissa and I agree on this). My definition of classic primarily means …

Social Media: the Race to Keep up…

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As an author, I’m expected to have a social media presence. I started blogging years ago, because writers were supposed to…long before they were published. Somewhere in there, a friend built my first website. Thanks, Lisa! Then last year, I hired a designer. Then came Twitter. And Facebook. And now Google+. It’s enough to make my head spin and keep …