Why Write about the Monuments Men?

CaraMonuments Men, World War II 2 Comments

Books are born many ways. Shadowed by Grace started when I walked by a display at our local library the summer of 2010. There a new non-fiction book stood cover out. The photo on the front piqued my interest: a clearly WWII soldier standing with a large painting. The stories I read in that book, Monuments Men, by Robert Edsel, …

3 Reasons I Love Writing Christian Fiction

CaraWorld War II, writing Leave a Comment

Ignore the fact that the expression on my face in this photo with my buddy Tricia Goyer is just plain odd…I had to share it because Tricia is one of those reasons I love writing Christian fiction. Why you ask? 1) Christian fiction authors are a community. ACFW is a party with 700 in the writing family. Next month I’ll …

I Spent the Weekend with Heroes

Cara11th Armored, thank you veterans, World War II 4 Comments

This weekend I had the incredible honor of attending the Eleventh Armored Division’s final reunion. These veterans were sent to Europe just in time to participate in the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944, and part of the division rode in the three vehicles that liberated Mauthausen Concentration Camp in Austria. I spent the weekend with heroes. Even today, …

Strength in a Generation

Cara40s, World War II 7 Comments

With the upcoming release of Stars in the Night and imagining next series, I’m reminded of the strength of the World War II generation. That was an amazing chapter in our nation’s history. A time when everyone came together to work toward a common goal, regardless of where we lived. The stories of scrap metal drives, people saving their cooking …