The last few weeks have been so fun. In addition to our trip to London for study abroad, I’ve had a couple booksignings. It’s been so much fun to connect with readers I’ve known via social media for awhile — there’s something about meeting in person that’s so fun! On Saturday I was at one of my favorite independent bookstores …
When Life Throws a Curveball
I’m not a baseball fan, but sometimes life throws a curveball and you get to decide how to handle it.Last week, I was ready to write the next chapter in the book due December 1st, when and event happened locally that mirrored the plot. Almost exactly. Like too much.The next morning I texted my editor and then spent 20 minutes …
Author Newsletters and New Releases
I got the nicest email this week in response to a newsletter that I sent on Monday. If you’re curious you can see it here. I often write these and wonder if anyone cares or reads them, but lately I’ve been getting several responses from readers. That’s been so much fun. But it also has me thinking about what you …
Restarting the Writing Process: Behind the Scenes
I mentioned in my last post that I was going to have to spend significant time this summer writing. Just last week I signed a three-book deal for a new legal, romantic suspense series in addition to the WWII novellas I’d also signed contracts to write. It’s a process for me to restart the writing race when I’ve gotten out …
Post Deadline Survival Tips
The last two and a half weeks I have been a page proof and writing queen. I spent a week giving Delayed Justice its last read — what we call the page proof stage. Now that novel is on its way to the printer preparing for its October release date. I’m getting excited and nervous about this book’s release. Just …
A day in an Author’s Life
This summer I’m writing two books, maybe three. That means I have to make every moment count now that the semester is over, and I don’t teach again until the middle of June. That means I’m spending as much time as I can in my office at Purdue, but instead of grading or prepping for classes, I was writing. I …
5 Things Every Book Lover Needs
As an avid reader and bibliophile, I love little more than spending an afternoon curled up with a book or strolling through the stacks of a library or bookstore. Now that the weather is beginning to hint at fall, rather than pumpkin spice lattes, I want to talk about the perfect season for curling up with a favorite book. So what does …
The glamorous writing life: Editing & Giveaway
I thought I’d give you a quick look into one of the places I hide while I edit. It’s not always here. Other times it might be Panera or Starbucks. Maybe the library. But often I need to break away and find a place with fewer distractions. I hope you enjoy this look behind the pages! And …
7 Strategies when the writing life is lonely
A couple weeks ago I was talking to a good writing friend. She is successful. Her books are brilliant and award-winning. Yet she feels very alone in her journey. As I was chatting with her, I knew she was not alone. So many writers are naturally introverted. As such, they can attend meetings and feel disconnected. They join the right groups …
I’m a writer? Then why am I stuck?
Today I’m posting over at Inspired by Life & Fiction. I’d love to have you join me! Here’s a little teaser…. I love writing, but I don’t like getting started. It is complete drudgery to create a multi-layered proposal. When I finally reach the right depth, it sits on my computer desktop for weeks or months while publishing houses consider …