The View from the Pedestal

Carafamily, homeschooling, Parenting, Uncategorized, writing life Leave a Comment

Every get the sense everything is teetering around you? Then you glance around and notice it’s because you’re on a pedestal. Not one you sought, not one you wished for, but there you are. Some days my life feels that way. There’s the Pedestal for Mommy to four. There’s another Pedestal for the Homeschooling Momma. Then there’s professor, attorney, writer…the …

Engrossed in Tuscany

Carabook news, Italy, writing life 6 Comments

I’m at that delightful and terrifying stage of writing a book. The one where I wonder if I can do it. The story is so much bigger than I am. But the contract is on the way, so I get to write it. This book is one where I want to emphasize I. Get. To. Write. It. I first discovered …

A Glimpse into Where I Create

Carawriting life 3 Comments

Here’s a glance into the area where I work when I’m writing — and not hanging out at Panera. Believe it or not, for someone who craves clean, organized space, this is about as good as it gets for my desk. Between ACFW, writing, homeschool co-op and teaching, I have a lot of projects to juggle in a small space. …

3 Things to do on Mackinac Island

CaraMackinac Island, writing life 2 Comments

My family and I adore Mackinac Island. We’ve made two trips there and hope to head back up there in July for a booksigning. With A Wedding Transpires on Mackinac Island releasing April 1st, my thoughts keep wandering back to Mackinac and why we like it. Maybe you’ve heard of the island. Maybe you’re planning a trip there yourselves. Either …

Fun Photos from writing

Carawriting life 1 Comment

Someone needed some photos of me at booksigning events. So here are a few fun ones. Hmm, I’m wearing that same jacket today! With a reader at Christian Book Expo With a reader at booksigning Booksigning after the month I had two books and a baby. With Colleen Coble and Robin Jones Gunn Right after I won the Carol Award …

My Husband Rocks!

Cararesearching, writing life 3 Comments

I sent off a proposal last week for a series I really want to write. It’s World War II. Europe. Art. Need I say more? I had to revamp the proposal quite a bit before sending it off because the heroine needed to be an American. Quite a change from Italian, but I have completely fallen in love with the …

ACFW Conference Photos

CaraACFW, writing life 4 Comments

Gina Conroy and me post Gala ACFW was an amazing week. Yes, week. I left last Tuesday so I could attend a board dinner and didn’t return until Monday afternoon just in time for 4:30 gymnastics. It was so good…but exhausting. Even the Energizer Bunny runs out of energy eventually. So I thought I’d share some photos with you today. …

ACFW…Here I Come

CaraACFW, writing life 1 Comment

When you read this, I’m getting in ACFW board meetings. Then tomorrow, the conference starts. The conference really is the highlight of my writing year. I can’t wait to see so many of my friends that I only get to see once a year. Facebook is great, but it’s not the same as seeing and hugging people. I’m also looking forward …

Social Media: the Race to Keep up…

Carablogging, social media, writing life Leave a Comment

As an author, I’m expected to have a social media presence. I started blogging years ago, because writers were supposed to…long before they were published. Somewhere in there, a friend built my first website. Thanks, Lisa! Then last year, I hired a designer. Then came Twitter. And Facebook. And now Google+. It’s enough to make my head spin and keep …