Writers Just Wanna Have Fun

Carawriting life 2 Comments

Some of my writer buds put together this video. I got to watch from the sidelines, and thought you’d have fun meeting Carolyn Aarsen, Kristen Billerbeck, Terri Blackstock, Robin Lee Hatcher and Angela Hunt having fun together. Who said writers don’t want to have fun 🙂

Where’s the Hope?

Carawriting life 5 Comments

Last week I picked up the latest novel from my favorite non-Christian suspense writer and promptly inhaled it. Didn’t hurt that I was up in the middle of the night coughing, so could read while waiting for the medicine to kick in. When I finished the book, I was left with an I don’t know how else to say it …

ACFW Conference

Carawriting life 3 Comments

there are less than 58 days until this year’s ACFW conference. Ack! I LOVE conference. I wouldn’t be where I am without it, but here’s the list of things I have to do before then: Finish the manuscript for A Promise Forged: August 1 Finish the sample chapters for a requested proposal: August 1 review the three Nebraska books for …

I didn’t know either!

Carawriting life 3 Comments

Pamela’s post this week about not knowing her own whodunit got me thinking. With Deadly Exposure, I thought I knew who committed the murder. In fact I wrote the book working toward one particular individual. Then as I was in the last 30 pages or so, I prayed before writing. Now I try to do this all the time, but …

Writer or Juggler

Carawriting life 1 Comment

Am I a writer or a juggler? Tonight I’m not so sure. You see, on my desk next to my laptop sits the revision letter for my next Love Inspired Suspense, Trial By Fire. I am so excited about my editor’s thoughts on this book. Once again, they only make the plot stronger. Always a good thing! And the revision …

Brainstorming — the way books are crafted

Carawriting life 1 Comment

On Saturday two of my dear writer buds drove across the state for a day of brainstorming. Another called in from Oklahoma. We spent chunks of time working on each others works in progress. It was great! I love helping other people brainstorm ways to create twists and turns for their characters and the plots. Why would someone do this? …

A Reading Tag

Carawriting life 1 Comment

I’ve been tagged, but rather than make it random, I’m making this reading related. 🙂 1) I have loved to read since I was about 4. You’ll still find me with a book in my hands all the time. 2) My favorite childhood books were the Little House on the Prairie series. Read them voraciously over and over. It’s been …