Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all 25 stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 3 grand prize
- The hunt BEGINS with Stop #1 at Lisa Bergren’s site.
- Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).
- There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 10/22 at midnight MST)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books.
- Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the clue on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at Stop #25. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!
Today it is my pleasure to introduce to you my friend and uber-talented suspense writer Lynette Eason. We’re both participating in the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt, and let me tell you…there are some great authors on this tour! I am so excited to be participating! Be sure to read all the way to the end where I have a giveaway unique to this stop!
Now without further ado, here’s Lynette!
What happens when readers ask for more!
I don’t know about you, but I grew up reading constantly. Even when I had school work to do, I would pick up a book first! LOL.
One of my favorite series was Nancy Drew. Each time the bookmobile came to my neighborhood, I was there looking for the next book in the series. I simply couldn’t get enough of them! Mystery, danger, and a little bit of romance. All combined to make up the perfect story. Which was probably one of the reasons I chose to write in the genre I do.
Chasing Secrets is the last book in the Elite Guardians Series. It released in August 2017 and had an impressive amount of preorders according to my publisher. I started getting emails and Facebook messages from readers about how sad they were that the series was ending. Of course, I was flattered and honored that they loved the books that much, but the more the messages rolled in, the more I started thinking that maybe I didn’t want the series to end either. But then I dismissed the thought as impossible. You see, I’ve already written two of the four contracted books in the Blue Justice Series that starts releasing in January 2019.
And since I’ve already sold the next series, I was moving on to researching some of that in my “spare” time. HOWEVER, readers have been persistent. So, I approached my editor about the idea of shelving the series that would come after the Blue Justice one and return to the Elite Guardians. Once I showed her the emails and facebook posts, she got really interested and is going to take the idea to the powers that be early next year.
All that to say…I have no idea what will happen, but I love the idea. And I want to let the readers know that when you express an opinion or a wish about another book or the desire to continue a series, we really do listen!
So, I’m curious. Do you have a favorite series? Do you have one that you wish would never end?
Thanks so much for joining in on this fun scavenger hunt! I hope you find lots of new authors and fabulous books to read!
God Bless,
Lynette Eason
Lynette Eason is the best-selling, award-winning author of over 40 books — she’s also one of my go-tos for romantic suspense. She writes for Revell and Harlequin. In 2016, she was one of the top ten finalists in the James Patterson co-writer competition. Lynette regularly teaches at writing conferences all over the country and can be found online at www.lynetteeason.com.
Here’s the Stop #4 Skinny:
You can order Lynette’s book on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD or at your local bookstore!
Clue to Write Down: you’ve
Link to Stop #5, the Next Stop on the Loop: Lynette Eason’s own site!
Y’all, I’m also giving away a copy of my new series Hidden Justice. All you have to do is use the form below to enter. Thanks for stopping by!
Comments 230
So Far yours because your extra giveaway is open already They are all great Thanks so much for being part of this
I think it is just the fun of doing the scavenger hunt. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.
Pingback: Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt List of Stops | Lisa Tawn Bergren
This is early in the scavenger hunt but it has all been educational, fun, and informative. However, I found the map on Robin Hatcher’s interview quite interesting, as to how she plots out her cute towns featured in her books.
Lynette, I can’t think of a series that I wish didn’t end but I am a huge fan of spin-off series! I enjoy jumping right into a familiar setting or among familiar characters. I’m already invested in the story and it’s a warm and cozy readerly feeling. By the way, I just had my first experience with one of your books over the summer and I’m an instant fan! Already have another on the shelf ready to read!
Cara, I love the variety of authors in these scavenger hunts and I’ll be extra excited if I come across a new to me author! I’m so happy to have hopped across some of my favorites already. Thank you for the additional giveaway!
I think it’s too soon to call a “favorite” since we’re only on stop four, but so far everyone has been very informative and interesting.
I think my favorite stop on this hunt has been yours!
Thanks! Have fun on the rest of them!
So far, I have really enjoyed all of the stops on the Hunt. I love learning about the books through the authors’ perspectives. It makes me that much more excited to go buy the books and read them.
I am loving this scavenger hunt! It is fun getting to know ‘new to me’ authors!
I love participating in them as a reader for that reason
My favorite stop is this stop. I enjoyed reading your book Beyond Justice.
Thanks, Steph. Enjoy the rest of the tour!
Favorite stop so far has been this one because I LOVE Lynette Eason’s books!
Loving the scavenger hunt!
I loved Nancy drew’s, too! (And, my brother’s Hardy Boys!) I still have some of Nancy Drew’s from the 50’s!
I really enjoyed Roseanna M. White’s post about the book collecting!
I have enjoyed all the sites, very well done. Also all the giveaways are great! Thanks
I like reading about the different authors and books, and discovering new things to read. I don’t really have a favorite stop so far, they’ve all been interesting.
I can’t decide! I’ve liked them all, they are so interesting!
I love all the stops! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love reading new suspense Christian Fiction Authors. Look forward to reading these books
no fav yet
I don’t have a favorite stop yet!
Thanks for participating in the scavenger hunt and giving us the opportunity to participate.
I am just the hunt and all of the posts have been great. Thanks for taking part.
I like things like this! Scavenger hunts were part of my childhood!
I have loved them all! Thanks for participating!
I’m loving this scavenger hunt. I don’t have a favorite yet.
Also… I love suspense.
Too hard to pick
each site I visit there is something I really like. Thanks for the chance to win,
I haven’t visited all the stops yet, so I don’t have a favorite, but these so far are all my favorite authors. I wish Susan May Warren’s Christiansen family series would never end, but I do love how we keep meeting the same characters in her other series. So in a way, they have never ended. And every time I read a series by another author, I wish too that they would never end. We have been blessed with so many good writers!
I really can’t say I have a favorite yet. Each one is so unique and interesting!
I am excited to read some of Cara’s books and I have already read some of Lynette’s and love them!
My favorite series is definitely the Elite Guardians! I can’t wait to your new series, though.
I have to select a favorite? That’s like asking who is your favorite child!!!
I can’t decide which is my favorite stop! So far y’all are my favorite autthors!
This one, so far! The giveaway for these books they sound great, and I like legal thrillersj.,
I am really enjoying this Scavenger Hunt! Thanks for all the work that went into it for your readers!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Love Romantic Suspense
I always want the series to keep going!
Awesome Scavenger Hunt! Thank you!
Havent read this series yet, but I love your interview and comments about the relationships that are threaded throughout. My interest is peaked!
Thanks Cara for the Scavenger Hunt, very thankful for the Authors that make it possible!
My favorite part about this hunt is finding new authors to follow and their books to read.
I have enjoyed each stop so far, but especially love the chance to win The Hidden Justice Series.
I don’t have a favorite. I have enjoyed all the stops so far.
Very difficult to pick a favorite stop! I do like the links we can click to follow authors on Twitter. I guess my favorite stop was the first one, because of the map, and the photos of fall in Idaho.
I have read the mindy clark seires of books about the amish and i loved them
I have enjoyed them all but if I could only pick one I would have to say Robin Lee Hatcher.
Thank you the opportunity to win your book series this would be an awesome way to discover a new-to-me author. Thanks again!
I can’t really say that I’ve had a favorite, I’ve enjoyed the whole concept of the hunt itself & finding new-to-me Christian authors! Thanks for being a part of it.
I’ve enjoyed every stop of the scavenger hunt so far! I cannot wait to get to the end!
I really liked the first stop with Robin Lee Hatcher, but all the stops so far have been great.
Lynette, I can’t really think of a series that made me feel like that off the top of my head. But I agree that the last thing you want when you love a series and its characters is for it all to end.
I don’t have a favorite stop…I never do with these scavenger hunts because I love them all! I always find a new author or learn about some of my favorites. I also learn more about writing which I always love learning about.
There are many series I didn’t want to end. Even some of the stand alone novels I love I wish could have series so the story didn’t end. When a reader gets attached to a character it is hard to see them go or not see more of their life story.
Love this. Keeps me busy reading all weekend!
How can you pick a favorite when there is so many great authors. Nice giveaway.
I loved the Nancy Drew and Trixie Beldon series when I was growing up. I don’t really have a favorite series as an adult.
My favorite stop is the one I’m on.
Thank you for the chance to win!
As a former law school student, who got side-tracked by ministry, I look forward to reading this series.
Tina, what are you doing in ministry?
This has been a great place to “meet” you. Another author for my list!
I enjoy reading your books, Cara and Lynette.
This is all so fun! My first reading scavenger hunt. I am very excited about your new series. Thank you so much for the chance to win it! I loved the interview with Lynette. I was a huge fan of Nancy Drew as was my mom, and eventually my daughter. Can’t wait to read some of Lynette’s books too!
I don’t really know. Don’t make me choose, but this is fun.
Lynette, I love your books I wish that you did not end you r Women of Justice series….
Stay tuned…it may not be over
So far yours because I just discovered you have another book in the series.
I love these scavenger hunts…and I love your stop! Mostly because I’ve enjoyed all the books I’ve read of yours, and I am a longtime fan of Lynette Eason (and LOVE that Elite Guardian series!!
Love the scavenger hunt
My favourite stop so far was Rosanna’s, because it lead me here. I saw the Nancy Drew book and knew I’d enjoy this. (My first introduction to Nancy Drew was my 7th birthday party where I got a copy of The Hidden Staircase.)
LOVE Nancy Drew
This is my first time to do a scavenger hunt. It is so fun! My favorite has probably been this one and Roseanna White’s because I’m learning a bit more about authors I know only a little about.
I don’ have a favorite, they’ve all been great so far.
So hard to pick a favorite! Haha.
But I had to chuckle at Rosanna White book-aholic tendecies and loved her idea of more books shelves – that would solve my problem too!
Bookaholics unite
I love all of them! I’m such a sucker for prizes, and when prizes are books, I am sucked in faster than sweet tea goes down on a hot summer day.
Sweet tea is the nectar of the gods
Lynette, that’s so cool that your publisher is open to reader feedback! I’m still working on the Elite Guardian series, but I’m totally loving it so far!
Having read soooo many Nancy Drew mysteries to my girls at bedtime how can I not love a Christian author like my daughters?!
So far I’m only on Stop #4. (I’m doing them in order.) I’m enjoying getting to know all of you ladies thus far!
I haven’t read one of your books yet, Lynette that I didn’t thoroughly enjoy. I try to get them as soon as I can after they are released. I now have over 1/2 dozen on my phone Kindle app. One series I really enjoyed and would like to read more is the Tanner Hollow series.
Christian suspense books are fabulous! I particularly love the Christian ones because they are clean, exciting, and have inspirational material contained therein.
No favorites yet. Enjoying reading about the authors thoughts on their writing and their books.
Love the scavenger hunts!
Each stop is unique & different. It’s a fun adventure!
Haven’t decided on a favorite yet. I’m just enjoying reading about all the authors and books.
I would love to win! This is my 1st scavanger hunt!
I can’t pick one favorite thing so far. It’s all been so interesting. I love how so many of yall can work together to make something like this happen!
Each stop has been my favorite and I look forward to all the stops!! I love scavenger hunts and following along with each author.
Only have been to #4 but love them all!
No favorite stop yet but thoroughly enjoying the adventure! I loved those series from the 50’s & still had them all in mint condition – until my Mother sent them home with niece while I was in college & they have NEVER been seen again! I really wish I still had them! I am a great fan of series & usually don’t want them to end. Occasionally I do believe an author will have covered what they intended to & it’s okay for that series to end because you know they are going to start another one you’ll love as much or more! Lynette I’m excited there will be more to come in your Elite Guardian Series!
I don’t really have a favorite stop yet, but I have to tell you, after reading your comments on Roseanna White’s page I had to smile. You said that you didn’t want to make your hero a law enforcement hero since your readers wanted a more average guy living a big life like their husbands. I suppose I could describe my husband as average, but he is a law enforcement officer and he is definitely my hero, and has been for just shy of 35 years. I LOVE law enforcement heroes!
Since this is stop #4, it’s hard to say. Each stop makes me eager to read the book mentioned by the author. I’ve read Beyond Justice and the Advance copy of Imperfect Justice and just have to read the first book.
Too early to call a favorite!
Nice to meet you Cara! You are a new author to me. Eager to read your books!
My absolute favourite series ever is the Anne of Green Gables series by L. M. Montgomery. While I love a bit of dystopia (go Katniss!) and my shelves are full of mysteries (I wanted Trixie Belden to be my best friend when I was a kid), I think it’s such a shame that so few people are writing sweet, innocent stories like the Anne, Heidi and Katy series.
For the competition, it’s hard to pick a favourite stop even at this point, but I did love reading about Roseanna’s book, An Unknown Name. Sounds fascinating!
I’m only on my fourth stop so hard to answe. I know I’m enjoying meet everyone
so far all of them lol……but tooo soon to tell
I enjoy them all! I love learning little tidbits about authors and their upcoming books.
Having a good time and learning a lot on the scavenger hunt.
I love this scavenger hunt! I am finding so many great books to read!! I can’t wait till Christmas break and summer vacation to enjoy all of these books!
I loved the post about collecting books
I am enjoying reading little tidbits about each author. Thanks for the added bonus of a give away as well. Blessings to you!
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the tour. It can be fun to learn about new authors.
I like your statement, “Relationships are the heart of the story.” I find this is true in real life. Wherever one goes, the people they meet make their story come alive daily.
I love this, Lynette! So true!
yours of course
I love finding new authors and getting a chance to win free books.
A series with no end, for me it would have to be KGI series.
As this is only the fourth stop so far on the scavenger hunt, I can’t really say which stop I liked the best. I enjoy reading each of the stops and making a list of books that I *have* to buy! Thanks for being part of the scavenger hunt! =)
I would say…all of them!
Really enjoying the scavenger hunt and finding new Christian authors to add to my reading list! Giveaways are awesome too! More books to read and share!
I Like the scavenger hunt!
I have enjoyed finding new authors.
Anne of Green Gables series…LOVE, love, LOVED that a preteen and gobbled up every book. Also, Lisa Bergren’s River of Time series…loved that one too.
My daughter had read Lisa’s River of Time series like I read Anne of Green Gables. Multiple times. I’ll admit I’ve enjoyed it, too. A trip to Italy? Yes, please!
So far yours! I love the genre of suspense, and it has greatly improved in the Christian market!
I hope will have a great weekend. I love reading all these posts
I’m enjoying all of them so far. You’re (Cara) a new author to me and I’m already excited to have found your books. I have your most recent release and your upcoming release in my shopping cart now.
Lynette, my favorite series growing up was also the Nancy Drew series. As an adult, my long-time favorite is Dee Henderson’s O’Malley Chronicles.
Erin, your words make me so excited. I hope you enjoy the books when you get them!
So far yours has been my favourite. I’ve had Beyond Justice on my to read list for a while now.
I hope you enjoy it when you read it!
So glad to be apart of this so that I can get introduced to authors I have not heard about, or am not familiar with!
I enjoy yuours and Lynette’s books. Thanks for the giveaway
I have enjoyed your books but this last series was the best so far.
I would love to win these. Thanks for giving me half a chance.
Cara, you’re a new author to me, and I love what I’m seeing. Hoping to find you in local library.
Lynette, I’ve read every book available in our library by you. Unfortunately, some parts of series are missing as our little library is on limited budget.
I loved reading suspense with lots of action, strong characters, and complicated relationships.
Stop #2 is one I spent most time on, as I read a preview of one of her novels. I’m looking forward to next stop, Lynette.
Barbara, welcome! Be sure to ask your library to buy them if they don’t have them!
I’ll just got started so I really don’t know what to tell you.
I used to adore the Nancy Drew series. It was so much fun as kids with my cousin and sister because we would pretend we were Nancy, Bess, and George and go on our own adventures.
So far, Roseanna White’s bookshelves.
That is a tough question!!! I haven’t done all the stops, but I’m sure I won’t be able to pick a favorite at any point.
too early to say
I don’t have a favorite series because when I think of one that is a favorite, I think of another that is a favorite.
I enjoy reading legal novels. This sounds interesting. Thanks!
I don’t have a favorite stop. I love them all!
I don’t think I have read any of your books but I’m looking forward to finding them at the library. Love finding new authors! I love Lynette Eason’s books
I am enjoying reading all these interviews. Such a fun Scavenger Hunt
I’ve enjoyed them all!
“I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens.”
Love that and it’s so true!
Love all the stops, don’t want to claim one over another. I appreciate everyone’s participation and the opportunity to learn about good books and chance to win prizes.
I’ve enjoyed all the stops so far. Thanks for the chance to win your books.
I really liked all the stops, but Lynette Eason’s was my favorite. Her current series and Dee Henderson’s are my favorite series.
I adore both of their writing. I can reread the O’Malley series over and over!
Love to read and Thank you for this awesome giveaway!
You are so welcome, Sarah. Thanks for coming on the tour.
I’ve really enjoyed all the Scavenger Hunts I’ve done! Thanks!
I have liked them all so far.
Thank-you this has been so fun!
Every stop is my favorite…how can I choose?
Difficult to choose a favorite. All are interesting and fun. Thanks for being part of the Scavenger Hunt.
I have enjoyed all of them so far!! I love these scavenger hunts!!
I have enjoyed all of them so far!! I love these scavenger hunts!! Thank you for being a part of it!
Wow! Thanks for sharing that Lynette. It’s always fun when a favourite series lasts longer than originally planned because everyone falls in love with the characters. A favourite? Well, I haven’t seen all the posts yet to make a fully informed decision, but I liked this one the best so far. I’ll probably enjoy Sibella Giorelo’s and Melanie Dickerson’s posts too as they are 2 of my favourite authors.
And I found Sibella Giorelo from one of these treasure hunts.
Welcome, Felicity! Sibella and Melanie are two of my favorite authors too. So fun that you discovered Sibella on one of these hunts!
this scavenger hunt is so enlightening! thank you
Hey Lynette and Cara! Each stop is a favorite since I learn more about the author and see a bit behind the scenes into their world.
Thank you for this fun Scavenger Hunt!
Thanks for coming, Caryl! Hope you have fun on all of the stops.
I haven’t gotten there yet but my favorite stop will probably be Melanie Dickerson because I’ve read and loved several of her books already. Pretty much every other author is either unknown to me or I I’ve heard of them but just haven’t had the chance to read them yet.
I love Melanie and her books! So glad you’re participating so you can meet new authors! Welcome, EFB.
What fun! I love meeting all you!
I like all of the stops so far. I have learned about new books, new authors to me and that I am not the only one who keeps books. I enjoyed reading Nancy Drew, Trixie Beldon,Hardy Boys and Cherry Ames growing up.
I enjoyed all of those, too.
I love all the stops. I don’t want to pick just one.
Lov learning about all the different authors.
I’m excited, Cara, to read the rest of this series!!
It’s a good one!
Awesome Giveaway! Thanks so much.
I am only on stop # 4 currently so this is a hard question. I just am so blessed at all the authors, prizes and connections you guys have provided in this years hunt.
I love being part of the hunt!
So far, my favorite is ….. all of them! I can’t choose between so many of my favorite authors!
Cara, I have not read any of your books, so this would be a great giveaway for me to win :). Thanks for the opportunity!
My favorite aspect of this tour is finding out new authors whose works I want to explore. That is exciting!
I’m looking forward to reading this series.
This is my first scavenger hunt. It’s fun!
Wonderful writer, great books, fun hunt.
I’m not sure what my favorite stop has been so far, but I did enjoy reading about how you value relationships when you’re writing. Made me curious about your books!
That’s hard. Don’t think I can pick a favorite but have enjoyed it.
My favorite stop so far has been Melanie Dickerson because what girl doesn’t love fairytales.
So far yours because I too loved Nancy Drew books
Can’t pick a favorite, haven’t been far enough yet!!
Cara, I liked your post about the relationships between your characters. When I read books, or especially a series of books, I feel like a know the characters and miss them when the book or series ends.
I haven’t made up my mind yet, but maybe Lisa’s since it got it all started.
Lisa’s is my favourite so far but I haven’t finished the hunt yet. I loved so many series when I was younger – Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, Little House on the Prairie, etc. I basically read anything I could get my hands on.
I love this hunt! Enjoy finding new authors every year.
Thanks for participating!
Love your writing Cara. I do lose sleep though because of the suspense that you create or maybe it is those relationships. Keep it up!
Don’t have a favorite yet.
I love giveaways and I am very thankful that you are doing well. It is always so appreciated! These no doubt take a lot of time to put together and we really enjoy them, at least I know I do. I have never won anything but I love hearing from you all and hearing about new books and different facts about books! I love series books, most of the time, I don’t read stand alone books because I like to get to know those characters more than just one book. If a book has a series, I’m more prone to read them! This is totally in my teenage years but the Christy Miller Series by Robin Jones Gunn is one that I can’t stop reading. They are still going and I’m 30 and want to read them all. I am passing them down to some youth in my life!
I just love books in general!!!
I can’t pick a favorite! I’ve liked them all so far. Love these scavenger hunts!
This is a blast! Thank you so much for participating as an author! It way cool!
not sure yet, only on stop 4 so far
I do not have a favorite stop so far. I am just enjoying learning of new stories and authors.
I just love books and reading, so the scavenger hunt is so much fun! I have been introduced to several new authors that I really love. I am looking forward to any new books that both of you write.
Thank you. Learning about new authors is so much fun!
I’m enjoying reading more about some of my favorite authors and also some new-to-me authors and their books. The posts are all very interesting.
I just finished the Scavenger Hunt!! Woo Hoo!!! Favorite stop on the Scavenger Hunt?…..that’s a tuffy as there were sooo many good stops! I don’t think I can pick just one. Thanks to all of you authors who made this such an amazing event and your generosity with all the prizes!! It was AWESOME!!!
My favorite site so far has been Robin Lee Hatcher’s site hosting Roseanna White. Roseanna is one of my favorite authors and I loved seeing all the full bookcases. It looked like someone sneaked into my house and took pictures. Lynette, I recently finished the Amazon Adventure series and enjoyed it.
I enjoyed your website. Looking forward to reading your books
I have never read y our books but look forward to adding you to my pile.
I have never read y our books but look forward to getting to know you through your writing.
My fav stop on the scavenger hunt is stop number one because it starts all of the fun!
I’ve not read any of your books yet. Enjoying meeting so many new authors on this scavenger hunt.
Thanks for this lovely scavenger hunt. I love all the stops, but I am very curious about the Nicole Deese’s one!
Authors and books and prizes …Oh my !!!
Thanks for the scavenger hunt its great to get to find new authors. i am always looking for new authors to read. Love a good mystery book as well.
What a fun way to learn about our favorite authors, and ones we aren’t familiar with, too! Thanks for the fun! I loved all sites, I don’t have one favorite!
I have read some of your book and look forward to reading many many more!! You are fantastic!
Thanks for participating in the scavenger hunt. After I finish visiting all the stops, I will have a new list of authors to read.
I enjoy doing the scavenger hunt and learning about other authors. I look forward to trying some new books!
My favorite stop has been reading about Roseanna M. White’s book collecting as my husband and I love to collect books too!
The ones with the Giveaways!
I am enjoying this scavenger hunt.
I love these hunts and thank you for all the posts and prizes!
Lynette Eason.
Too early to pick a favorite yet. So far it’s fun and interesting.
I have enjoyed them all so far.
Right now, all of the ones that are offering extra giveaways have been my favorite!
The series I have re-read most is Galleries of Stone by Christa Kinde.
I have enjoyed each stop for a different reason. I always love seeing the background and process of writing and publishing.
Thanks for the hunt!
I’ll let you know once i’ve gone through the whole Scavenger Hunt!
I’m having to rush through, because it’s been a busy few days and I haven’t had time to do this! So, I’ll have to go back and really read through the sites. I love doing these every year though!
I have only read the first book in your Elite Guardians series, but I am excited to finish the series! I am truly enjoying the scavenger hunt, and thank you for the giveaway!
I am not sure which of the stops is my favorite yet! I like that some authors have given background info on their books!
Thanks for being a part of this scavenger hunt!
God Bless!
I’ve loved them all so far
Thanks for the opportunity to win your Hidden Justice series. Love the scavenger hunt, so much fun!
Dee Henderson’s O’Malley series. I grew up reading it aloud over and over again with my mom and sisters.
Pingback: Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #3 | Roseanna M. White