Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes!
• The hunt BEGINS on 3/12 at noon MST with Stop #1 at LisaTawnBergren.com.
• Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (notExplorer).
• There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 3/15 at midnight MST)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books and learn new things about them.
• Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the CLUE on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at the final stop, back on Lisa’s site. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!
Thanks for stopping by my site. I’m Cara Putman and I’ve written 35 books when I’m not teaching at a Big Ten University and being a wife and mom. I love writing and am very excited about my next book Flight Risk. It releases on April 7, and the heroine is living my life…or the one I’d imagined in many ways if my husband and I had stayed in DC. I went to law school at George Mason, lived in Savannah’s neighborhood, and faced some of her questions. Fortunately, my family isn’t nearly as chaotic as hers!
Imagine the scene with me.
I’m sitting at a table in a local chain Mexican restaurant with a couple of my colleagues who also teach at Purdue University. We’d met and connected over a semester long workshop on improving our teaching. Because I’m a novelist and they are both pilots, I’d get questions about the writing process. Then one of them looked at me one class.
“I’ve got a story idea for you.”
He proceeded to tell me about a plane crash where over the course of the investigation the black box (which is really orange) that was found at the crash site did not match the one that was analyzed. There was photo evidence that made it clear they weren’t the same black boxes. What’s the big deal? I can hear your question. So a box is swapped out? So what? Those boxes are designed to record the information that allows investigators and regulators to go back and determine the cause of the accident.
The crashes involving the Boeing 737 Max illustrate why this is important. With all souls lost during the crashes, those boxes become the best way to recreate what was happening in the plane and the cockpit leading up to and during the crash. I had been fascinated by the Air Florida crash that occured in Washington, DC, in January 1982, and the two events began to link in my mind.
That was the genesis of Flight Risk. Be sure to go to the end of this post to enter for an extra chance for a special Flight Risk giveaway. This is my birthday month, after all, and I love a good giveaway.
Here’s the Stop #5 Basics:
If you’re interested, you can order Flight Risk on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CBD or at your local bookstore!
Clue to Write Down: outside…
Link to Stop #6, the Next Stop on the Loop: Angela Hunt’s site!
But wait! Before you go, I’m offering three books to three entrants—any one of my Hidden Justice books. All you have to do is sign up to get my enewsletter (top right of my home page, green box) or note that you’re already a subscriber. Additional points for those who follow me as an author on Goodreads or BookBub! (USA only) If you’re one of my international readers, I will gladly send you an ebook if you’re one of the randomly selected winners.
Comments 31
Thanks for the chance.
Enjoy the hunt, Lois.
Thank you for participating! The books sounds wonderful!
Thanks, Natalya. Enjoy the hunt.
This sounds like a captivating read! There were two plane crashes near my parents property many years ago. I’ve always been intrigued by the history. One crash resulted in none of the passengers having any major injuries, while the second crash resulted in four people losing their lives. So sad!
Wow! Two crashes. That’s crazy and tragic. I think there’s something about mass losses like that which capture our attention.
I can’t wait to read your new book! Sounds exciting!
Thanks, Robin. Early reviews indicate it is, but eager to read what you think.
Thank you for this scavenger hunt! I do want to read Flight Risk! Go Purdue!
Boiler up! Enjoy the hunt, Karen!
I have been reading your books for a long time and I love how you add the history into your stories and I feel like “YOU WERE THERE” that old tv show. Thank you!
Nancy! I so appreciate that. I love weaving in those details, too. I think they add richness when seasoned just right.
Ok, the black box is actually ORANGE?! So fascinating and NOW your “imagine the scene…” has reeled me in!
Those are the kinds of details I love learning and including, Mimi. They’re so fascinating to me.
Looking forward to reading this new one, Cara.
Thanks, Rebecca. Can’t wait to see what you think!
Not sure how I wasn’t already on your newsletter list, but I’m on now, my friend!
Welcome, Allison! You know me so well, you probably assumed you were on the list
Cara, is this a true story? Was a “black box” actually swapped out? If so that is intriguing..
It is! Crazy, huh?
I enjoy your books & this one sounds VERY fascinating!
(P.S. You have a typo: “I’d get quesitons” … sorry, I’m an editor and my eye snags on everything.)
I never knew a black box was orange. But I always wondered how they found them in crashes if they were black. Now it makes sense!
Thanks, Lora! It’s fixed now.
And I had the same thought when I learned the “black” boxes were orange!
It sounds fascinating. I have been wanting to read this series. Thank you for the opportunity.
Love this type of book. Gov thrillers are full of action and suspense. This one really sounds good.
Absolutely incredibly intriguing book

I am following you on BookBub,Amazon&Goodreads & on
Your e-mail.list. Did I miss anything?
I hope not, Your site pages look fabulous
Sending blessings to you for continued success
Thanks, Kathy!
Your books are always very intriguing! Thanks for the opportunity! Already a follower on all Social Media Platforms.
I think your newsletter signup may have blown up, it’s giving me a “fatal error” message.
A great story inspiration!
Sounds like a great book thank you for the chance
Thanks for the amazing hunt the book sounds great!