I am so delighted to announce that my writing buds and I are banding together to give a great big Christmas gift to our readers. This will be a fun tour that takes you to our blogs for Christmas memories and traditions. You can come back to this post for links to each post as they go live. And be sure to check out each one because many of us will have additional giveaways on our sites. These ladies are so talented that I’m delighted you’ll get a chance to meet them and discover their books if you haven’t already.
– 12/10 – Beth Vogt: A copy of Somebody Like You or A November Bride (winner’s choice); a $5 Starbucks card
– 12/12 – Cara Putman: A copy of Where Treetops Glisten; B&B Works lotion
– 12/14 – Kristy Cambron: A copy of The Butterfly and the Violin or A Sparrow in Terezin (winner’s choice); a $5 Starbucks card
– 12/16 – Katherine Reay: A copy of Lizzy & Jane or Dear Mr. Knightley (winner’s choice); a Lizzy & Jane tumbler
– 12/18 – Katie Ganshert: A copy of A Broken Kind of Beautiful; an audio copy of An October Bride
– 12/20 – Courtney Walsh: A copy of Paper Hearts; Christmas artwork
– 12/22 – Melissa Tagg: A copy of Here to Stay; an It’s a Wonderful Life DVD
– 12/ 24 – Sarah Ladd: A copy of A Lady at Willowgrove Hall; a Pride and Prejudice DVD
*Winner announced 12/26. U.S. only please.
Just use this form, but be sure to keep going for my extra giveaway!
It’s easy to enter. Just use this form, but be sure to keep going for my extra giveaway!
And here’s mine!
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Just being able to spend it with family. Our 3 year old is finally starting to understand holidays and gets excited for them so that makes it so much more fun!
It’s such fun when our kids begin to understand, Melissa.
Christmas is about the birth of our Lord and Savior. It is a time to “give” of yourself.
I love that, Susan.
Christmas Eve Service with my family
Thank you and Have A Blssed Christmas
That is a special memory for me, too. Love singing Silent Night to candlelight!
I love Christmas Eve with family, we hop in the car & drive around town to look at the lights & displays & then home for hot chocolate & gifts…
I love seeing Christ in Christmas!
Love looking at the lights, too!
Pingback: christmas gifts: the unexpected and expectations | caraputman.com
Being with family to celebrate Jesus.
It definitely makes the season special.
Spending time with my family on Christmas, staying in pj’s all day long, watching the Christmas parade and reading the Christmas story in the Bible.
Staying in PJs all day long sounds great!
Being with family, Christmas Eve worship and Christmas baking with my kiddos
Being with family is my favorite part, too, Kerri.
I think one of the most special memories I have was the year Christmas fell on a Sunday. We had church that morning and all 4 of us were able to attend-that in itself was special. Then we came home and opened our gifts-slowly with breaks in between to eat and just enjoy each other’s company.
That sounds like an incredible Christmas. I love when we can slow down the gift-giving and enjoy the process and each other.
I think one of the most special memories I have was the year Christmas fell on a Sunday. We had church that morning and all 4 of us were able to attend-that in itself was special. Then we came home and opened our gifts-slowly with breaks in between to eat and just enjoy each other’s company.
There’s so much about Christmas that makes it special. From the decorations, the foods, even the emphasis on gift-giving (though the world at large is getting off-track on that one). The smells of cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice. I love that it gives me something to look forward to in the middle of winter when I tend to get more depressed. And the positive celebration of Christ’s birth – such an act of love. Easter is a celebration, too, but it follows such a horrible, though necessary, event.
I so agree!
I love the family togetherness and fun and games with all the family during this time. Bring it on!
For our first Christmas together, as newlyweds, we were stationed in Alaska at Elmendorf AFB. The base allowed military families to harvest Christmas trees from the forrest behind the base lake. We bundled up and went in search of the perfect tree. We knew we were in trouble when we strapped it to the top of the 4-Runner, but it wasn’t until we go home that we fully realized the size of our tree. Let’s just say that as our neighbors were driving down the street, they could see the top of our tree and it’s star through our second story window. It wasn’t just the perfect tree…it was the BEST TREE EVER!!
We have cut our own Christmas tree every year since. 10 years and counting!
I love that, Amanda! What a great Christmas memory! And I bet you’ll never forget that special tree.
Since the boys are grown and grandkids are in Canada there aren’t any traditions now. I get together with my Mom, my son’s and daughter-in-law, my aunt for a meal and exchange gifts. Go to church for Christmas eve service.
Besides celebrating Christ’s birth, Christmas is special to me because my family is always together. Sometimes someone has to be absent, but the core group is always together. I’m very thankful I’ve never had to miss celebrating Christmas with my family.
Pam, I think that is my absolute favorite part, too. Getting the extended family together.
Being with my family and friends makes it speacil for me!!! Thank You for the awesome giveaway!!!
I love all the ways we get together with people who are dear to us.
I like spending time with my family and friends. As far as favorite traditions go, decorating the tree is always fun. I enjoy getting a new ornament every year from my mom. I also like listening to Christmas carols and watching Christmas movies.
We have a blast decorating the tree, too. Each year it’s different.
Just the whole production of it! The lights, the decorations, Baking Day, the special music and movies. This is truly the most WONDERFUL time of the year!
Alyssa, I so agree!
I love the time spent together with family and friends. Love the stories, laughter, food and games that we do together.
We stay in our pj’s all day, eat finger foods, and watch movies.
Spending time with family makes it special for me. I get an entire week off from work at Christmas now, so get to spend 10 days with 3 of my grandchildren
Thanks for the giveaway! I love the vintage aprons.
For the last 6 yrs or so, my mom, my daughter and myself would get together either the day before or the day after Christmas and we would have our own special little tradition. We would play cards and a dice game and we would only eat finger food. Nothing that had to be cooked, veggies and dip, cheese and crackers etc.. We also used paper plates.
We tried to keep it as simple as possible so we could spend the time together really enjoying each others company. We have so many special memories now of that tradition. Sadly, my mom went home to the Lord on Mother’s Day this year so I’m not real sure how Christmas will be this year. I’m just so blessed though to have had such a wonderful,caring mom…she was the best mom anyone could hope to have.
Christmas is so special to mr for we celebrate Christ birth
While family time is so important, the best thing I remember as a child in a Christian school was practicing hour after hour for the Christmas Eve program.. wanting to sing loud enough for Jesus to hear…
the people
Christmas is special to me because of the reason for the season, Jesus Christ.
I love spending time with family and friends during the holiday season and look forward to my grandma’s sweet potato pie which she only makes during this time of year.
My Favorite part about Christmas is Christ and the lights wich brighton up this dark world!
I love doing things for the people I love The lights and getting to be still and remember the real meaning. But I would love 1 year to get to go away with my husband to Santa Claus IN God Bless Everyone
My special person is my daughter, and now my grandchildren, also.
What has already made this Christmas special to me was my oldest son asking for the Nativity Set that he grew up with to share with his three daughters…my sweet granddaughters!
I love to have a Happy Birthday Jesus cake to celebrate His birth. I also like to spend a whole day watching Hallmark Christmas movies and eating Christmas treats.
I love that. We’ve done a cake a couple of times, too.
We always play the Christmas Carol record with Lionel Barrymore.
What makes Christmas special to me is attending candlelight service and listening to the sweet voice of my son singing Christmas carols.
Christmas is special because I have 3 Granddaughters & I love seeing the wonder of Christmas through their eyes. One of our traditions is making my MIL “secret” chocolate pie recipe & giving them out to friends
Celebrating ‘the Reason for the Season’ – the birth of Jesus – with my husband, Fred, and his family!
Some of my fave Christmas memories are of those spent with my grandparents, who are now gone. My grandmother always made many kinds of cookies – which she passed out to neighbors, as well as family. She always had an aluminum tree with a color wheel rotating on it and bubble lights. My grandfather would always pass around a huge plate of assorted candies after Christmas dinner – he handpicked them from glass bins at the grocery. My grandparents used coffee can lids to redeem for a walking doll for me one Christmas.
I love seeing other people happy with what they get!
I love that, too, Laura!
It’s like a big reality check for all of us. I think we get so involved with our lives, that we forget to sit back and think about what’s truly important. It’s a reminder to be thankful for our family, friends and our religion that we hold so dear.
I enjoy seeing my younger cousins enjoying what Santa brought and time with family we only see once a year
I so agree, Shelia. can’t wait to see my cousins over the holidays.
Christmas is about celebrating Christ. My favorite partabout Christmas is our Christmas program be fore dinner where we sing and read from the bible, etc.
We have no specific tradition other than growing up we would open presents after supper and the food and dishes were taken care of on Christmas Eve.
Christmas Mass with Christmas hymns then family
Dinner. Merry Christmas to all.
Christmas will always be special because of the Savior’s birth and a time to be with those you love and care about the most.
I love Christmas because my family that is scattered all over the country gets together for fun, family traditions and church
I love Christmas because my family that is scattered all over the country gets together for fun, family traditions and church
That is my favorite part, too. A week of family, games, laughter, togetherness!
Just being with family – and the special holiday food so that we can sit around the table to eat
Looking for the Christmas spirit in people. One of our City Department has suffered a loss of Christmas gift containing items that Senior Citizens need the most. Out of this tragedy, the Department was able to reached more than double the amount of seniors that we were originally be able to provide the Christmas gift containing blankets, socks, toilette, and so many other items.
We wouldn’t have been able to do this without the public helps.
Christmas celebration at church and spending time with family.
Family is what makes Christmas special. Doesn’t matter where we are as long as we are together.
Now that I’m getting older my children are taking over some of the traditions. On Christmas everyone comes together to celebrate and give thanks for another year together. Hope you have a Very Merry Christmas!!
That is so fun!
Christmas Eve at and with our two sons. Christmas Day with my brother and parents. Christmas stockings for all the kids.
Christmas is special because of the traditions and spending time together with family. Santa still visits our house even though there aren’t any children around. Lots of fun
Traditions make the holiday so Special!
Christmas is my favorite time of year! One of our favorite traditions is to watch old Christmas movies as a family, with lots of popcorn and hot chocolate! Movies like White Christmas, Holiday Inn, It’s a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Carol, and other children’s classics like The Small One, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town. So fun!
I love the classic movies!
being with my family.
I think for me it is the memories of Christmas past. My family use to come all together at my Grandparents house and Santa even came to visit and hand out gifts. I am trying to figure out some new traditions to start with my kids. This year time is running out, but I did purchase our first home and they are excited.
Love those memories of the past, too!
Christmas is special to me because I get to spend time with my family.