A Christmas Pause

Carachristmas 4 Comments

ImageAs we rush into the Christmas season, I invite you to pause with me. For just a moment. I wrote this post two years ago, but it is equally applicable this year as it was in 2013. So let’s pause and give our best gifts this Christmas.

My Gift to Him

As Christmas nears, I’ve staggering under a year that’s been too full. A fall that’s been too busy. A season of good, but overwhelming, days.

Does anyone else feel the same?

There’s nothing bad – life is just full. Too full.

And I feel emptied. So empty.

It would be easy to enter this season with a sense of exhaustion, feeling like I just want to get through and on to January.

Instead, I want to offer my life again. May my gift be my life. My dreams. My talents. My all. May I be available to Him to transform from the inside out. I want my life to be lived for His glory.

Yet I fail. And on the days that I am most tired PAIR OF SOCKSNEW CELLPHONEWAFFLE MAKERHOVER BOARDand overwhelmed I seem to fail more. It is then that I take comfort in the reality that He is the King born in a manager. A King who gave up heaven in order to save me. You. All of us. He has good plans for my life. Plans that exceed my wildest dreams. Plans fit for the daughter of the Most High.

He has plans like that for you, too. Plans that may be different from your plans, but plans that are wonderful and good.

So in this season of busyness. A season when it is easy to focus on things, duties, parties, family and friends, will you join me? I’m offering myself as a gift to Him. Will you?

Comments 4

  1. This is truly remarkable. We have been wonderfully blessed the past 2 days with close to 300 people giving themselves to King Jesus for the first time. I have not seen anything like it since my last time at the Brownsville Revival. Love you.

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      Leah, today I have to challenge myself again. I keep thinking, “When this is done, I can give Him more time.” Then when that is done, something else becomes urgent. Oh to keep Him central!

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