Christmas is around the corner, and I don’t know about you, but I am in serious denial that we will be having a family Christmas celebration on Sunday. It simply doesn’t seem possible that we’re less than three weeks from a new year. Despite my denial, it’s here. Because it’s the season of giving, be sure to go to the end of the post to enter a gifting of one of my books–winner’s choice. For each 200 entries, I’ll add another book, so be sure to send your friends here.
Do you have special traditions with your family that surround Christmas? One of ours is that the kids and I use Adronaments as part of our advent celebration. These ornaments come with a devotional that point us back to the different names of Jesus. They’re a great way to keep our focus on Him during the season.

These graphics are my gift to you. Feel free to share them!
One of the things we’re doing again this year, I’d like to make a tradition. We’re going to give the kids Monopoly money and gift catalogs from World Vision, Compassion, etc. They can then spend the money as they like, and we’ll make the donations. I love the way this allows them to be part of directing our family giving and lets them experience the joy of giving. The times we’ve done this I’ve been impressed with the way the gifts reflect their heart for others.
Do you have any books you like to read as a part of your Christmas tradition? A friend of mine reads Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers every year. I bought it, but have had too much writing to do to read it yet. Maybe I’ll start 2018 with it. About every other year I read the Best Christmas Pageant Ever with the kids. I love the fresh perspective on the nativity. Another favorite that is a short read is O Henry’s the Gift of the Magi. I can’t wait to see which books and traditions make the season special for you!
Did you know you you can read the first five chapters of my latest novel Imperfect Justice? All you have to do is go here.
Comments 3
We always open one gift on Christmas Eve which comes from the German side of the family.
Since my husband and I got married we always host Christmas Brunch for the family=)
We love to order pizza on Christmas Eve, then reheat it on Christmas Day. For some reason, that feels so extravagant since nothing is actually open around here on Christmas Day.
Clearly, it doesn’t take much to please us!