Christmas Prayers

Carachristmas 2 Comments

If you feel anything like I do right now, there’s probably a strong hint of overwhelmed lingering in your heart. Even if you try to avoid it, it sneaks in. May these prayers and graphics bring moments of peace in the midst of the chaos.


Father, at this time of such frantic work, can You help us slow down and reflect? I don’t want to lose You in the midst of a celebration that is supposed to honor You.

Father, Mary was filled with such wonder and willing acceptance when Gabriel spoke to her. I often wonder if I could have done the same. I want to have that heart posture though. Today will You help me have a Mary attitude with You?

Father, sometimes it feels like nothing holds our worlds together. But that isn’t true. You do. The gift of Your Son does. This Christmas helps us remember that You hold all things together and that time begins and ends in You. May our stresses melt away in light of that truth. Amen.

Comments 2

  1. Thank you for the beautiful prayer. It reminds me of what really matters, at Christmas and at all times.
    Found you through Julie Klassen’s blog. Think I will gift myself with your book “Shadowed by Grace.” Historical fiction is my fav and I am excited to find another author that pens that genre.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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