D-Day 70th Anniversary Tour: the Monuments Men

Carablog tour, Italy, Monuments Men, World War II 33 Comments

WWII_FB BannerWelcome to the D-Day 70th Anniversary Blog Tour! I’m so glad you’ve joined us! Ten authors of Christian World War II novels are commemorating the brave men who stormed the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944. Thank you for joining us as we remember their heroism and sacrifice.

Our novels illuminate different aspects of the war—from the Holocaust to the Pacific to the US Home Front. Each day, visit with a new author as we share about our stories, our research, and our unique settings. With each blog post, you’ll have the opportunity to win that author’s novel, plus a chance to win a packet of ALL TEN featured novels!

Giveaway Details

For a chance to win ALL TEN novels featured on our blog tour, please visit each blog, collect the answers to the questions, and enter the Rafflecopter giveaway on the BLOG TOUR PAGE. You have a new chance to enter each day of the tour! The contest opens June 2, 2014 at 1 am PST and closes June 13, 2014 at 11 pm PST. The winners will be announced on Monday, June 15, 2014. *Note* Several of the titles will not be released until later in the year—these copies will be mailed to the winners after the books release.

To win the prize of ALL TEN books, you must have collected ALL TEN answers. The winner must be prepared to send ALL TEN answers within 24 hrs of notification by email, or a new winner will be selected.

You can enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway once each day! The more often you visit, the more entries you receive! However, you only need to enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway once to be entered. But don’t forget…to win, you must have collected ALL TEN answers. To gather the answers, you may download the Word document on the BLOG TOUR PAGE.


Is Art Worth Saving?

I’m so delighted you joined me on this tour of WWII. Shortly after D-Day, the Monuments Men landed in France and began their journey toward Germany. But did you know there were already Monuments Men in Italy? In fact, I have a scene in Shadowed by Grace that recreates what happened in the Rome newsroom when the reporters learned about D-Day.

Imagine you live in Italy during the war that came to be known as World War II. Your country started the war as allies of Germany and Hitler, but now, it’s early 1944 and the political landscape has changed. Your former ally is now entrenched in your country, as your former enemy now slogs up the mountained boot of your country in an effort to push the German Army back into Germany.

All across your country are landmarks, works of art, and more that are irreplaceable. Many date back before the Roman Empire. Now, your former ally is taking altar pieces, paintings and sculptures with them as they slowly retreat. And less than a handful of your former enemy are trying to work with art superintendents across the country.

Who are these men? The Monuments Men. Their purpose? To save the items and places that are western civilization.

BH-ShadowedbyGraceSquares-3During WWII, the military and political leaders were confronted with a new challenge thanks to the advent of aerial bombing on a large scale: whether they should attempt to protect landmarks and art. If so, how should they do that?
The powers that be determined it would be a small group of architects, sculptors, museum curators and more who would follow immediately behind the front lines and shore up battered buildings, work with local officials to identify missing masterpieces, and occasionally stand toe to toe with the big-wigs to argue why the battle shouldn’t be fought in specific places.

This elite group served as the inspiration for my latest book Shadowed by Grace. In its pages, I explore the job of the Monuments Men in Italy. There’s romance, mystery, and an impossible search as well. But I was originally drawn to the story because of the impossible, but oh so important, job the Monuments Men performed.

You can learn more about Shadowed by Grace and read the first chapter here.

Today’s Question: Which country in Europe did the Monuments Men serve in Shadowed by Grace?

And don’t forget to enter my separate giveaway below and follow the blog tour to the end for a chance at all ten of our books. There are some great titles out there! For a chance to win ALL TEN novels featured on our blog tour, please visit each blog, collect the answers to the questions, and enter the Rafflecopter giveaway on the BLOG TOUR PAGE.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Comments 33

  1. Your book sounds fascinating, Cara. What a seemingly impossible job these Monuments Men performed, and surely there were interesting people–men and women–behind the scenes. I’m looking forward to reading “Shadowed By Grace!”

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  2. What a great article. It says so much about the Allied leadership that were willing to even consider art when there was such an enemy to be defeated. I’m thankful they considered the needs of human civilization as a whole – to be reminded of our past and to be inspired by beauty and greatness. And Cara, thanks for calling attention to their cause!

  3. Sounds like a fun and interesting book to read. I’ve seen the Monuments Men movie that George Clooney directed and starred in. I enjoyed that movie and I know I will enjoy your book, Cara.

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  4. Wow!
    I never thought about saving priceless art works.
    The movie was ok.
    But I am willing to hazard a guess that your book will be way better than the movie ever was! 🙂

  5. I’m very happy to find out about your book. I’m currently reading “The Monuments Men” by Robert Edsel, and it will be great to read a fictional story about it too. This is just such a fascinating part of history. Thank you for your book.

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  6. I read the Monument Men, then saw the movie. My most lasting impression of the movie was how the actors all smoked constantly. I never would have survived amid all that smoke back then.

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      It’s such an odd thing, isn’t it? Yet smoking was so common back then. It’s always odd to see in classic movies or movies set during that time period.

  7. I am only now hearing about this story, though the movie (although I haven’t seen it yet) and these books…sounds fascinating! (And as a wanna-be writer and home school mom, kudos to you for being a published author!) I would love to win a copy of this book!

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  8. Love the title of your book. What an amazing thought — that we are shadowed in God’s grace. I’m looking forward to reading the book. Blessings. Linda

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      I didn’t really think of the depth behind the title initially. But it sure fit as the story developed. Love when God does that!

  9. Pingback: D-Day 70th Anniversary Blog Tour | caraputman.com

  10. I read this book when it first released and couldn’t put it down! I would.definitely.recommend.this.book!

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      Kathleen, that’s why I love writing stories like this. When I find a new historical story I love, I love to weave it into a story. So glad that you enjoyed it!

  11. Cara, I loved your book about the Monuments Men, “Shadowed by Grace”. After I read it, I shared it with my dad, who has been spending a prolonged stay in a nursing home. He found it “fascinating” and after he read it, it began making the rounds of the other World War II veterans who were also in the care facility. Thanks for the work and care you put into the research, the story, and the beautiful writing. 🙂

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      Oh, Dana. You don’t know how this pleases me to hear. Thank you for letting me know they are enjoying Shadowed by Grace — I so want to honor those men and what they did during WWII.

  12. Thank you Cara for the opportunity to possibly win a copy of Shadowed by Grace. I was glad to pin it to my Books to Read board on Pinterest as a great reminder that I have to read this story:)

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  13. Monument men who served in ITALY are featured in SHADOWED BY GRACE. Thanks for your books and the contest. sharon

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