Faith: Live in His Presence

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live in his presenceLive in His presence.

That was the command that God gave to Abram in Genesis 17. This was after God has promised Abram at least twice that he would have more descendants than he could count. It’s after Sarai interjects herself into God’s plan and tells Abram to build a family through Hagar.

Basically Abram has walked with God for YEARS. Let that sink in.

Abram had already walked with God for YEARS.

And now God is issuing the challenge when Abram was 99 years old. “I am God Almighty. Live in my presence and be blameless.”


And what a challenge to me personally.

It doesn’t matter how long I’ve lived for God. How long I’ve followed Him. How long His desires have been my heart’s cry.

His call is to live in His presence.

I don’t.

I let so many  other things distract me and pull me away. And remember my heart’s cry is to do His will.

Today this challenge strikes me anew. “Come away, my child, and live in my presence. In the midst of your days. In the midst of your chaos. Live with me.

“Live in My presence.”

My response?

“Yes, Lord. Once again, I accept the call to live in Your presence. Help me in my weakness.”


On a sidenote, don’t forget to enter the January giveaway.


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