Fiction Friday: The Sparrow of Terezin

CaraFiction Friday, reviews; Leave a Comment

Today in Fiction Friday, I want to introduce you to the latest book from my friend Kristy Cambron.

In the Sparrow of Terezin, Kristy Cambron has crafted a beautiful story of parallel journeys: a completely free-standing story set during World War II, and the other a continuation of the contemporary story in The Butterfly & the Violin. The pages move seamlessly from one story to the next, yet leaving me with a longing for more in each story. This makes the pages fly and makes it difficult to walk away from the story when real life intervenes.

The historical characters are so real, their losses unimagineable, and the hope they find in the darkest of nights tangible. The historical story slips between Prague, London, and Terezin during the war. The journey is one of discovery, family, and war. It is a story of loss and saving.

The contemporary story is one that will not cleanly stand alone. You could read it without first reading The Butterfly & the Violin but you will lose some of the deep meaning of the characters’ battles. This said, it is a beautiful story that will compel you to follow Sera through the challenges and decisions she must make.

The Sparrow of Terezin is a story that will embrace readers who love a mix of modern and historic, romance with emotion, beauty with an awareness that God sees every sparrow.

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