Fiction Friday: Tiffany Girl

CaraFiction Friday, giveaways 27 Comments

When someone told me to read Deeanne Gist’s a Bride Most Begrudging, she insisted it would show me that historical Christian romance could be rich, lush, and fresh. That friend was right. Deeanne has been a go-to author for me for awhile. I love most of her books, but it’s been awhile since one captured me.

51-7fvceZAL._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_Tiffany Girl did just that.

In Tiffany Girl Deeanne is back to writing the rich, conflict laced romances that I adore. In this one I also got to learn about a fascinating time period — when women crossed picket lines so that Mr. Tiffany’s stained glass could fill a display at the Chicago World’s Fair. The story stretches over time as the hero and heroine wrestle with their expectations, realities and wounds that may keep them apart. An interesting mix of supporting characters keep the pages hopping. But the heroine steals the show. Tiffany Girl is a story I will return to!

I’ve got another bundle of great books that I’m giving away this week. These are by some of my favorite author friends. You can’t go wrong reading a book by Lisa Wingate, Beth Vogt, Tricia Goyer, or Karen Witemeyer. They are each superb in their own way. I can’t wait to mail them to one of you!book bundle #2

Comments 27

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  1. What a lovely giveaway and a great way to be introduced to a couple new authors.

    I am really enjoying getting to know you Cara!

    Have a tip-top day in the Lord.

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  2. I don’t think I can pick between the two genres. I love them both and read tons from both. Thank you so much for this opportunity to win some books.

    Stephanie C.

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  3. I love historical fiction as I find I learn so much about bygone eras from reading it. It is also less ‘gritty’ than contemporary fiction.

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      I love historicals, too. But have found some can be just as gritty as contemporary. It all depends on genre and author. Thanks for stopping by, Alison!

  4. I like both historical and contemporary books. If I’ve been reading a lot of historical novels, I know it’s time for a contemporary, or vice versa. If I’ve been reading books that are rather deep, or intense, such as those set during war time, or dealing with a difficult subject, I like to have my next book be a lighter “fluff” type book. I’m so glad we have such a wide range of books to choose from.

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  5. I love to read historical christian fiction. I love to read about different times in history and how people dealt with situations during the time period that they lived in.

  6. Once upon a time I would have said historical fiction is my favorite genre, but in the last few years contemporary has really grown on me. I think for me, it depends more on the author, as I have my favorites and have followed them between genres.

  7. Once upon a time I would have said historical fiction is my favorite genre, but in the last few years contemporary has really grown on me. I think for me, it depends more on the author, as I have my favorites and have followed them between genres.

  8. Once upon a time I would have said historical fiction is my favorite genre, but in the last few years contemporary has really grown on me. I think for me, it depends more on the author, as I have my favorites and have followed them between genres.

  9. Historical for sure! Biblical is my favorite, but I can get lost in almost any time period. Novels that take place in the present and in the past are also fun. Fresh on my mind is Lisa Wingate’s THE SEA KEEPER’S DAUGHTERS — fabulous!!

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  10. I love them both and it depends on my mood on which genre I start on for my next read. However, I’ve noticed my longest books read list is on the historical fiction side, so I guess it’s historical!. Thanks for a great giveaway.

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