Fiction Friday: What I’m Reading

CaraUncategorized 1 Comment

This week I’ve had the privilege of reading two books for endorsement. First I read Weaver’s Needle by Robin Caroll and Sweetbriar Cottage by Denise Hunter. These two ladies are some of my favorite authors, and I can tell you now that June is going to be a great month for reading.

But today I wanted to tell you about three other books I’m enjoying. The first is A Note Yet Unsung by Tamera Alexander. Tamera writes amazing southern fiction set in Nashville in the Reconstruction years. In A Note Yet Unsung, Rebekah is a professional violinist in an era that doesn’t allow women to do such scandalous things like perform with an orchestra. She’s a woman who doesn’t fit and can’t got home. But she can’t leave either. This book will suck you into the time period, the setting, and a story that won’t let go. This book has a depth to the challenges facing the characters that adds such richness to the story. I will thinking about this book for weeks if not months to come.

A Harvest of Thorns is a book that will challenge you and make you reconsider American consumerism. The book follows the aftermath of a tragedy at a foreign garment factory. It feels like a John Grisham novel as it takes you from corporate boardrooms to locations around the world and finally into a courtroom. This story is gripping and has truly made me consider the supply chain effect of where our goods come from, but all within a story that I couldn’t put down.

The last one I wanted to mention today is Still Life by Dani Pettrey. This book has a great mystery to it and an ensemble cast that keeps the story moving in a richly layered way. Avery is concerned that her friend has disappeared and comes to fear she may be dead. The gang gathers around to help her find her friend. While this book is the second in a series, you do not need to read the first to appreciate the story and cast of characters. This novel has enough romance to keep romance readers turning the pages and enough mystery to keep those of us who love a good suspense engaged. If you haven’t read Dani Pettrey yet, get this book. You’ll be glad you did!

I’d love to know, what are you reading right now?

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