Fiction Fridays: Book Chats

CaraFiction Friday 1 Comment

While I love writing, I’m a reader first. I love finding new-to-me authors that allow me to binge through their books, so I’m always on the look our for new books to try.

Are you the same way? Do you have your trusted authors that you read everything they write? But let’s face it, authors are slow! Crafting those wonderful story worlds and characters takes time. So you’re looking for new-to-you authors?

In an effort to help readers find new authors, I’ve started a Facebook Live series on Tuesday evenings at 8:30 EST. Can’t make it? No worries! I capture them on Facebook and Instagram TV. So far I’ve chatted with four wonderful authors, and I’ve got a great line-up coming through the end of April including some of the wonderful women in this group. So far, I’m talking with my favorites — y’all, it’s so much fun! You are welcome to join us or catch up by watching them later. Here are the next three weeks lovely authors. See why I’m excited!

You can click on the following links if you want to sign up for an event so you get reminders from Facebook: Rachel HauckSarah Sundin, and Becky Wade. If you’d like to check out the earlier chats, there are links below!

I’ve also been up to some spring cleaning. I want to share a bounty of duplicate books with you. You can use the form below to enter!

Comments 1

  1. It is like Christmas Day when I find an author who can write true interesting romantic suspense in a format that does not offend a Christian.
    I am getting ready to go on a trip through your books. I can’t wait

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