Final Voting: Name My Next Town

Carawriting 13 Comments

Y’all, I had so much fun watching the votes come in. We had over 530! Woot! Y’all are amazing. The best part was not only did you vote on what the next town should be named, you also gave me ideas for businesses. You. Are. The. Best.

As a thank you, I’ll be mailing books to ten randomly selected people.

I had no idea which would be the winning name and it ended up being closer than I expected. Hamilton, VA, is the unnamed town in second place.

You might think we’re done, but we aren’t. Now it’s time to select the winning name. You can do that right below. You also have the chance to give me ideas for characters and quirks. And at least one person will find themselves randomly receiving the Hidden Justice series. If we hit 500 votes again, I will gladly mail two sets.

Comments 13

  1. Kedgewick was my favorite because “kedge” is an old colonial American term used in a greeting or response to a friend …. how are you? I’m “Kedge” thank you! Meaning I’m in good health.

  2. I really enjoy your books. thanks so much for all the time & hard work you put into them. if I could make one wish … it would be that we had more faith filled books for us older generation of readers.

  3. Hamilton is an amazing small town! Every year the boy scouts line the streets with candles for Christmas. It’s truly a beautiful experience at night. We have Hamilton Day parade and festivities. More churches than I can even count but no stop lights. A cute and AMAZING crab shack. I’ve loved growing up in a small town. Every house is unique! There’s even an adorable purple house (very eccentric!) on the main road. Our elementary school even has a song I remember to this day. Hamilton Elementary *clap clap* R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Big adventures as we learn and grow. Caring and sharing are the seeds we sow! It keeps going but I won’t share the whole thing here 😁

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    2. That purple house is my family’s! My mom is so incredibly excited at the idea of a novel set in Hamilton. I remember the Hamilton Elementary song too. Mighty Hamilton Panthers 🙂

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  4. I lived in Hamilton in the late 50’s.. My family moved to Hillsboro, which is another beautiful small town. We then moved back to Hamilton in the 70’s.So many memories. Some very good
    some not so good! I lost two brothers within two years of each other. This in turn led to my family leaving Hamilton.

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