Summer Grilling Recipes

Cararecipe 2 Comments

It’s so hot here, we don’t need to turn on a grill to cook mean — well almost. But it is summertime – the time to crack open the grill and chargrill everything. We’re cooking with gas!

So today I thought we’d share our favorite grill tricks.
Here’re mine for fantastic burgers:

1) mix a package of onion soup mix (the dry kind from an envelope) into two pounds of hamburger, patty and grill. So much flavor!

2) mix a package of ranch dressing mix (the dry kind) into two pounds of hamburger, patty, and grill. Again, so very yummy.

Both are simple, but I can almost guarantee those gathered around your table will ask for the secret!

So what’s one of your tricks for simple grilling?

Comments 2

  1. I’m currently eating leftover shish kabobs that we grilled on Saturday. My husband makes a fantastic marinade, but you can always just use a batch of Italian style salad dressing and some wine (red for beef or lamb, white for chicken, either for pork!). We let the meat chunks soak for a few hours along with cut up fresh pineapple, red bell pepper, onions, and mushrooms. Then we always put our guests to work assembling the skewers.

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