It’s Deadline Time: Deadly Justice

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Right now I’m racing to deadline on book three in the Hidden Justice series. The book is due on November 1st. I’ll make the deadline, but it may be at 11:59 p.m. I have a way of pushing these to the last moment, and then sneaking in under the deadline. So I thought I’d give you some background on what that’s looked like over the last month. How exactly did Jaime’s story get to the point where it’ll be ready for my editor to strengthen? 

I think you might discover a pattern as you look through these photos. I’ve used a certain beverage to fuel more than a few of the words I’ve written. I’ve also enjoyed very small doses of German chocolate (thank you, Aldi!). Are you beginning to see the theme?

Jaime’s story has been very hard to write, not because I don’t know the story, but because of the underlying issue. I’ve known the plot for months. The challenge has been weaving together the storyline in a way that honors the real women who have lived Jaime’s story while pointing to our source of Hope. It’s been interesting to watch how God has walked me through a similar season of desperately needing the promise of hope — in a totally different area of life — but still, as often happens, my life is mirroring a critical piece of the heroine’s journey.

I fully believe that one reason God created me to be a writer is that it requires me to dive deep with Him and plumb depths I would avoid in any other context. He knew that one way to make me sit and think about


spiritual journeys would be to have me create them for my characters and that through that He


would be able to reach me in ways that the speed I live at wouldn’t allow. Today, in honor of Jaime’s story being 85% finished, I wanted to thank you for being on this writing journey with me by giving away a copy of the first book in the Hidden Justice series. Hayden’s story will always be special to me because it launched this series. And if you sign up for my enewsletter list, you’ll receive the prequel, Dying for Love, for free. Just use the form below.

See you on the other side!

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Comments 1

  1. I thnk a healthy does of caffeine & chocolate are helpong you along in your writing journey! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.

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