A writer wears so many hats. Author. Marketer. Another job — Maybe. Family. Friend. And so much more. One of the things I’ve really been thinking about this last few weeks is how to more effectively connect with readers.
I read. A lot. I write. A lot. And I love to discuss books. All of us here do. That’s why we’re here

I’m also really curious. I’m always reading books on all kinds of topics. So that means when I dive into something, it tends to nag at me until I devise a plan to implement. I blame the 3, Type A in me.But as I’ve been thinking about where to invest my time, I thought…wait a minute. I don’t need to wonder what to do. I can ask!So I’d consider it a kind favor to this author if you’d take less than two minutes (I promise that’s how long Survey Monkey said it would take) to answer a few short questions. A few clicks could help me as I’m planning. Grazie mille! Muchas Gracias. Merci!
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Comments 3
I love the books that Cara writes. Knowing her from church I can say she is a very special woman! I love it when she has book signings at our local book store, all the books I have she has signed!
I have loved reading since I was 10 yrs old. I was diagnosed with astigmatism and it was difficult to stay in the right area or paragraph, but I didn’t let that stop me. I get connected with the characters of the story and can get so involved with the story I loose tract of time, and have stayed up all night many times just to finish a book. Cara keep writing so I can keep reading I love all your books.
I am a 75 year old lady with 5 children 13 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. I retired last year from the medical record consulting field which was greatly enhanced by my status as an LPN. For the last 52 years I have been married to James whom I love dearly. It has only been the last year having moved off the grid to a cabin which we built 20 years ago that I have thoroughly lost myself in reading books from Guidepost. (Mystery of Martha’s Vineyard?) I love the Lord and my family and thank you so much in advance for sending me the link.