The Tale of a Homeschool Mama’s Denial

Carahomeschooling 2 Comments

This week I’m in denial.

I’m in denial that summer is almost over. Between teaching graduate classes and moving, I don’t feel like we’ve had much of a summer. Add in moving, and the chaos has been complete. Where. Did. Summer. Go? I truly want to know. Summer, come back wherever you are.

I’m in denial that school is right around the corner. My 14 year old will take three classes at the high school starting Wednesday.  As in a week from tomorrow. Gulp. Where. Did. Summer. Go?

I’m in denial that I need to order curriculum, because I’m in denial that I have to dig through the boxes in the basement to evaluate what we have and what we need. I’m over boxes. I’m over chaos. I’m over everything not having a place and being in it. 

I’m in denial that all four of my kids will be in school. That I’ll have a 10 grader, 7th grader, 2nd grader and 1st grader. It is simply impossible that my babies are collectively that old. It is simply impossible that we need to start making college visits. Simply impossible.

I’m in denial that I am a day over 25. Just had to throw that one in for fun…though it’s true. And a 25 year old cannot have a 10th grader. It’s impossible.

But I’m not in denial of these core truths:

  • I am blessed to have the opportunity to homeschool my kiddos. Even on the days when I gaze longingly at the school bus, the reality is I am immensely blessed to have this privilege.
  • I am blessed to watch my children learn and to be an active participant in the process.
  • I am blessed to play a role in helping them become the men and women God placed them on this earth to become.
  • I am blessed that God cares even more about their education and development than I do. When I partner with Him amazing things happen and incredible doors open.
  • I am blessed to recognize this is a season. This will not define every year of my life, but it does define this come one.

So here’s the key question: Are you in denial, or is all of your school shopping complete?

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