HUGE Booksigning

CaraACFW, book signings 1 Comment

Last week evaporated.

What has captured my attention, you ask?

A huge booksigning that for some odd reason, I’m in charge of.

You see on September 20, over 100 (107 as of tonight) Christian authors will be at the Mall of America signing books as part of the American Christian Fiction Writers annual conference.

At least 3 of the lovely ladies from this blog will be signing: Me, Margaret Daley, and Debby Giusti.

So mark your calendars. It’s going to be a huge event! We’d love to have you join us if you can.

Comments 1

  1. I’ve been chomping at the bit waiting for that list to come out. I heard you were in charge of it and am so excited to see who will be there. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to make to everyone I want in 2 hours! TWO hours! Just not enough time for 107people. Of course, I don’t want to see them all, probably just most! :o) Good luck with it all.

    Mimi B

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