Lost Chapters of Beyond Justice

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It has been so fun to read reader’s reactions to the characters and story in Beyond Justice. It’s also been wild to watch my kids enjoy the audio version…It’s a little scary to wait for your sixteen-year-old’s reaction to the words you slaved over. It’s also a little unnerving to begin to see what friends and readers think of the book. Some have seen pieces of me in Hayden, and everyone already asking for the next book. Imperfect Justice is coming soon, I promise! December may seem a long time away, but we’re in the middle of the second round of edits right now. I love watching the teamwork make my ideas so much stronger than if I was the only one writing and editing the book. Writing truly is an amazing team effort.

With the release of Beyond Justice, I wanted to pull back the curtain, and let you see some of the lost chapters. These are chapters that got cut because the pacing needed to be tighter (and the book draft was a mere 30,000 words over the limit. Oops!). The book opens right after these chapters, so I thought it would be fun to let you see Hayden in all her action. She’s really good in a courtroom and willing to take crazy risks, she wouldn’t otherwise consider. Enjoy! And be sure to let me know what you think.


Simply click the link immediately below, and the chapters will automatically download as a PDF.

The Lost Chapters of Beyond Justice

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