Fiction Friday: The Methuselah Project

CaraFiction Friday 4 Comments

During WWII, German scientists started many experiments. One never ended.

So begins the back cover for The Methuselah Project, Rick Barry’s latest release. I had the privilege of reading this book for endorsement. It’s storyline is a twist of historical and contemporary intersecting with a Captain America type character. Don’t think this is a copy though — instead it has a unique twist to the many experiments German scientists were running on people during the war. It’s a plot that will get your mind thinking and wondering with enough romance for those who cant read a book without it! 

I asked Rick to peel back the curtain and explain why he wrote The Methuselah ProjectBe sure to read to the end where I’m giving away a copy of this book. Enjoy!

Why I wrote The Methuselah Project

Years ago, a workshop instructor at a writers conference gave the following advice: “Don’t try to write what is currently popular. That ship will have set sail by the time you could write a manuscript and shop it to editors. Instead, write the story that is burning to come out of you, the story that only you can tell.” I took that advice to heart.

Please understand, I consider myself capable of writing a straight mystery, or a conventional suspense story, or even other genres. Yet, conventional stories with tried-and-true formulas weren’t the novel yearning to be born within me. God seemed to be calling me to pen something different, even if it might prove a harder sell to CBA publishers. So, almost like chef, I began with a large bowlful of WW2 history, then stirred in a cup of romance. To that I added a tablespoon of speculative elements, plus a light sprinkle of humor. I cooked all these ingredients in the oven of a Christian worldview, and voilá! The Methuselah Project emerged. As expected, several publishers who requested proposals declined. But my agent Linda Glaz loved the story nearly as much as I did, and so did the pub committee at Kregel Publications. Now I’m glad I stayed true to my own heart rather than imitating someone else’s vision.

The Methuselah Project
(Kregel, September 2015)

MethuselahNazi scientists started many experiments. One never ended.

Roger Greene is a war hero. Raised in an orphanage, the only birthright he knows is the feeling that he was born to fly. Flying against the Axis Powers in World War II is everything he always dreamed—until the day he’s shot down and lands in the hands of the enemy.

When Allied bombs destroy both his prison and the mad genius experimenting on POWs, Roger survives. Within hours, his wounds miraculously heal, thanks to those experiments. The Methuselah Project is a success—but this ace is still not free. Seventy years later, Roger hasn’t aged a day, but he has nearly gone insane. This isn’t Captain America—just a lousy existence only made passable by a newfound faith. The Bible provides the only reliable anchor for Roger’s sanity and his soul. When he finally escapes, there’s no angelic promise or personal prophecy of deliverance, just confusion. It’s 2015—and the world has become an unrecognizable place.

Katherine Mueller—crack shot, genius, and real Southern Belle—offers to help him find his way home. Can he convince her of the truth of his crazy story? Can he continue to trust her when he finds out she works for the very organization he’s trying to flee?

Thrown right into pulse-pounding action from the first page, readers will find themselves transported back in time to a believable, full-colored past, and then catapulted into the present once more. The historical back-and-forth adds a constantly moving element of suspense to keep readers on the edge of their seats.

Comments 4

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  1. It’s so funny that Rick Barry mentions Captain America and that you (Cara) ask about our favorite Avenger. I have read a few interviews and reviews for The Methuselah Project and my mind goes straight to Captain America, the Avenger movies, and then especially T.V.’s Agent Carter. (I have a 13 year old son who loves that mom will watch all this with him) I can’t say that I have a favorite Avenger, but I really want to see more of Hawkeye. He needs his breakout moment and his own movie.

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