Fiction Friday: My Brother’s Crown & more

CaraFiction Friday 5 Comments

This week I’ve read three different books. It doesn’t happen often that I have three novels going, but sometimes they each grab me for a different reason.


This is my amazing TBR pile (and a few books are missing!), so it means it’s super easy to get more than one going. I have a book in the car, one upstairs, one downstairs, and another on my iPad. I definitely have plenty of options!

One of the books I am speed-reading is Melissa Tagg’s book that will release next spring. It is soooo good. I fully expect to love every last page, and then want to go back to the beginning and start all over again. Melissa’s rom-coms are perfect. Absolutely perfect. And she captures Midwest towns to a T.

Fiction Friday Form (1)This week I’ve also read My Brother’s Crown. Mindy Starns Clark and Leslie Gould have paired up before for an enjoyable series of Amish stories. My Brother’s Crown is an intriguing read because it tells the modern day story of a woman’s discovery of a secret code buried in an old-family heirloom pamphlet. Coupled with it is the story of Renee’s great-great-great (etc.) Grandma in France as a persecuted Huguenot in 1685. I’ll be honest — I enjoyed Renee’s story more than Catherine’s for the first half of the book. Then Catherine began to grow up — and both women’s plots sped up. As someone who loves dual-timeline novels, I enjoyed My Brother’s Crown and am eager to read these talented authors’ next written duet.

This week I’ve also started The Respectable Actress by Dorothy Love and The Wedding Chapel by Rachel Hauck. Add those to the pile pictured above, and I am one happy reader. What are you reading right now? And do you like dual timeline novels? (Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for My Brother’s Crown!

Comments 5

  1. I read A Sound Among the Trees by Susan Meissner, that’s the only one I can think of like that right off that I have read…

  2. Oh, I like dual-timeline novels!
    My favorite titles (because I cannot pick just one) are…
    The Storykeeper by Lisa Wingate
    The Sea Keeper’s Daughters by Lisa Wingate
    The Butterfly and the Violin by Kristy Cambron
    A Sparrow in Terezin by Kristy Cambron
    A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner


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