I’ll be the first to tell you I have eclectic taste. That means I read pretty widely, across genres. Sure I have my go to genres, but I don’t exclusively read in one or another. Today my nightstand is loaded with several different books that I’ve started, but with classes as demanding as they are right now, I don’t have the freedom to sit down and inhale these books in one sitting. Oh how, I wish I could. In the comments, I’d love to hear what you’re currently reading.
Katherine Reay recently won two Carol Awards for her first novel Dear Mr. Knightley, a truly rare occurrence. I also got to know her at ACFW, so I was very intrigued when her new novel found its way to my mailbox. Let’s just say after the first chapter I was hooked and wishing for a weekend where I could curl up in the hammock and savor the story in one afternoon. Instead, I’ll be reading it chapter at a time, but I am hooked about this story of sisters, fears, and coming home. Lizzy & Jane is going to be a keeper. I can just feel it!
Lisa Wingate is an award-winning author who writes. I mean the lady can write well. Her characters and stories are always unique. I loved The Prayer Box, and I’m really enjoying The Story Keeper. The layers are rich adding a great depth to the story. Her characters are broken by their past, yet moving into the future with a steadiness and courage they don’t recognize in themselves. This book is definitely a keeper! If only I could find the time to finish it!
Jungle Fire intrigued me when it won a Carol Award at ACFW last month, so I marched over to the bookstore and grabbed it. It’s very different from Lizzy & Jane because this is a story of international intrigue set in Guatemala. It’s a story of buried pain and secrets. Of renegade soldiers gone wrong. And a missionary who just wants to get home. The only problem is that the only way she can escape is to trust a man who blames her for the death of his sister. Dana Mentink is a talented author, perfect for those who like romantic suspense with a little something more.
Dr. Richard Mabry and I served on the ACFW board together, so I’ve loved watching his books take off. As a doctor, he writes medical suspense…and y’all know I love a good suspense novel. I’ve only started this one, but it’s got a fun twist on someone you thought you knew is not who you thought them to be. Say that sentence fast three times. If you haven’t tried his books before, then this would be a good one to start with. There will be some romance in it…or not…that remains to be seen. Let’s just say the set up is all there.
I’d love to know: what are you reading right now?
Comments 4
Cara, hope you enjoy Heart Failure–and, yes, there’s some romance, as well as a few surprises.
So far I am!
Well I hope you enjoy Jungle Fire, Cara. Thanks very much.
So far I am.