Remembering the North Platte Canteen

CaraCanteen Dreams 3 Comments

When the “Greatest Generation” passed through North Platte, Nebraska during WWII, they got a hug and a handshake, homemade cakes and cookies, and a moment of respite and prayer provided by thousands of volunteers from the surrounding communities. This spirit of service is vital to America today. You can give something back to our military members and their families. Visit to see how!

In honor of my hometown, I will give away a copy of Canteen Dreams to someone who comments on the blog and one on Facebook. How can we serve the members of the military and their families today?

Comments 3

  1. I know there are many organizations available today for our service men and women, but I can’t help but think the canteens “of old” were the best. To my thinking, people seemed to really put themselves aside in order to make sure the visiting service personal were taken care of, made to feel at home and maybe even forget, for just a few minutes, why they were there in the fist place. it is important that each man & woman serving in our military today realize just how thankful we are to them and of their willingness to give their lives if so called.

    I appreciate all you do, Cara, to keep those dedicated men and women past and present in our minds.


  2. Oh, Cara, I am grateful for the chance to win your book!
    I am so “into” books during WWII lately! Perhaps the HBO series, “The Pacific” spurred this interest!
    I also recently lost my great uncle who was a WWII vet, and great stories of this period makes me feel closer to him and helps me understand a bit more of what two of my great uncles experienced who did not return from the war.
    Blessings and Smiles,
    Charlotte Kay
    charlovesmark at gmail dot com

  3. We have a friend who is a chaplains wife and she is collecting Christmas cards and making bookmarks to send to the troops next year. She counsels those whose husbands are deployed while her husband is deployed with them as their chaplain. What a great ministry – and I’d love to see one of your books. Thanks for teaching my son at co-op! Janet Aucoin

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