So this weekend I had the pleasure of being in Bowling Green, Kentucky, for SOKY, a book festival. It was a great weekend on so many levels.
My oldest traveled with me since she needed to be in Bloomington, Indiana, the day after the book festival. What did she want to do on the car ride? Listen to Beyond Justice on audio book. Go to the bottom to enter a giveaway for your copy of this audio book. Can I just say it is surreal to listen to the very words you wrote? The narrator has done a really nice job, and there were several times I had to smile as I thought, “I wrote that!” It’s very fun! And I love that A wanted to listen to it. I kept stopping the CDs to see if she was bored, but she insisted she wasn’t. Then I brainstormed with the brilliant Jenny B. Jones for 45 minutes. As soon as we were done, A demanded I turn Beyond Justice back on. All right!
After we arrived in Bowling Green Friday night, we went straight to Ruby Tuesday to have dinner with some of my favorite writing friends. Colleen Coble and her husband organized the dinner while Sarah Ladd, Kristy Cambron, and James Markert joined the fun. Little is better than good food with dear friends. After that we headed to our hotel. Sarah and Kristy roomed with A and me, which was awesome. Even so we quickly headed downstairs for coffee and “writing.” It turned into coffee and talking, which was equally great. I ran into more writing buds, and even met a few new ones.
After we headed upstairs, Sarah and I brainstormed her next amazing book. I don’t know what it is, folks, but Sarah and Jenny have the BEST ideas. It’s a pleasure to help them work on details and listen to the story come together.

Look at our smiles. I don’t need to say anything else.

This pile of books was much smaller at the end of the book fair. I also handed out a lot of bookmarks. Every readers needs lots of those, right?
Bright and early the next morning, it was off to SOKY. This was my first time at this book fair, but I doubt it will be my last. I had so much fun sitting between Denise Hunter and Virginia Smith, and jumping the aisle to where my other friends were seated. The photo of me and Denise is deceptive, because I really didn’t sit much. All that Leadership Institute training about the power of standing and engaging people in conversation.

Me with Denise and Ginny. They made the time between readers a lot of fun!

I got to meet Ruby, who’s been part of my blog community for awhile. I loved meeting her and other readers!

A reader made this graphic, and I realized it captures probably my favorite thought from this book.
After SOKY ended, A and I headed up to Bloomington and straight to Panera for sustenance. Across the street from Panera stood a Barnes & Noble, so we had to stop in. Look what I found on the shelves! I may have jumped up and down like a little girl…okay, no maybe about it.
I hope you’ve had fun looking at the photos from this weekend. It truly was a lot of fun. Now for the promised giveaway: the audio version of Beyond Justice.