Story Behind the Story: A Promise Kept

CaraStory Behind the Story, World War II 1 Comment

Every book I write is special for one reason or another. I wouldn’t invest the time in creating if I didn’t love the characters or the hook. A Promise Kept is special for several reasons:
  1. While written as a Heartsong Presents originally, we flipped the story, by starting with a wedding. Usually those books ended with the wedding, but this time my editor and I wanted to try something different. Could we make a book that was engaging and romantic if the couple married at the beginning? That’s what I did with Josie and Art’s story in A Promise Kept.
  2. The WWII thread was inspired by an exhibit at the Imperial War Museum I almost didn’t walk through on children evacuated out of London during WWII. My husband and I were in London for our tenth anniversary and were meeting another couple later that day. We were done at the museum — we thought — when I saw a book in the museum’s store that had me racing to an exhibit. It was all about the evacuating of children out of the city…and imagine my surprise and delight when I realized children had been evacuated to Ohio! It became the perfect WWII tie for this book.
  3. It also deals with an issue that has been largely silent, but is becoming more acknowledged: miscarriage — it’s my love letter to women who have walked through that while also trying to shine light on the silent grief I and other women have experienced.

If you’ve never read A Promise Kept, this is your invitation. 

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