Fiction Friday: Suspense from Lynette Eason & Lisa Harris

CaraFiction Friday 16 Comments

This week I wanted to tell you about two romantic suspense novels I thoroughly enjoyed this month. I enjoyed them so much, I’m going to give one away to a reader — be sure to read to the end to enter.

Fiction Friday Form (4)Intensity. Skill. Tenacity.
The bodyguards of Elite Guardians Agency have it all.

Without Warning starts with a rush and never lets up. It takes readers on a ride as they watch Katie Singleton try to keep Daniel Matthews and his niece alive. Some one has targeted Daniel and his restaurants, but who is unclear. What is clear is that the intent is to destroy Daniel’s businesses and ultimately take his life. The pages turned fast and furious as Katie and her team of Elite Guardians try to stay one step ahead of and finally trap Daniel’s nemesis. Filled with sweet romance and tension, this book is landing on my keeper shelf.
More about Without Warning: Katie Singleton, a partner with the Elite Guardians Protection Agency, stumbles upon her next assignment quite by accident. Spotting blue lights at a familiar restaurant, she stops to investigate, only to discover that owner Daniel Matthews has become the target of someone who will go to any lengths to put him out of business.

Daniel might be concerned, but he’s not convinced that a bodyguard–and a female one at that–is necessary. A new attack and his niece’s urgings are enough to make him reconsider. He and Katie must figure out who’s behind the intimidation and threats–before a would-be killer strikes again.

Missing by Lisa Harris. Niki Boyd is on the case — this time a combination murder, missing person matter. She’s determined to clear her friend when it looks like he’s involved in a murder that happened on his boat. When his father-in-law is killed leaving the precinct, she’s determined to get to the bottom of the situation. The plot twists as more bodies show up and it becomes unclear who is involved and why. While uncoiling the mystery and finding the missing woman before it’s too late, she also has to uncoil her attachment to her best friend. He’s about to leave to find healing from the death of his wife, and there are no guarantees he’ll ever see her as more than a friend. The plot is tightly paced as the whole book occurs in a handful of days. A quick read that I thoroughly enjoyed, Lisa Harris has become one of my go-to romantic suspense authors.

More about Missing: Nikki Boyd isn’t usually called in on homicides; her forte is missing persons. But when a case with two murdered and two missing pops up on a quiet suburban street, she’s ready to start the investigation and find missing homeowners Mac and Lucy Hudson. When the first clues lead her to the boat of her friend Tyler Grant–and another dead body–Nikki must untangle what ties Tyler to the Hudsons. The clues pull her into a deadly maze of counterfeit drugs and a killer who will stop at nothing to silence anyone who threatens his business–including Nikki.

Christy Award-winning and bestselling author Lisa Harris puts you right into the action in this fast-paced thriller.

Comments 16

  1. I love Lynette’s suspense books. They are definitely page turners for me. I think that giving me questions to answer in the suspense keeps me turning. Thanks for the giveaway!

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  2. What keeps me turning the pages of a book? The characters, the action, the setting…everything really! Especially suspense will keep me turning the pages to find out what happens next 🙂

    Lynette Eason’s writing is fabulous! I have the first book in this series and really want to add this one to it, thanks for the chance 🙂

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  3. It’s hard to say what keeps me turning pages!! With suspense, it’s to see what happens next. Even if I know what is probably going to happen next, I still want to read it!

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  4. I love books by these 2 authors! What keeps me flying through their pages is an interesting/unique summary and storyline, characters that are admirable and a Biblical point of view. Throw in romance and suspense and I hate to put it down!

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  5. Hi! It’s Megan from the ACFW conference 🙂 The top thing that keeps me turning page is the character, but it’s very closely followed by pacing and a compelling story. I love to read, but I’m still incredibly busy. It’s got to be really good to keep drawing me back time and again.

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