ACFW Conference Mix & Mingle

CaraACFW 5 Comments

The ACFW Conference starts at the end of this month, and I cannot wait! Each year Laurie Tomlinson has hosted a mix & mingle, so attendees can get to know each other before we arrive. This year Janine Rosche has done it, and I’m delighted to take part. If you’d like to join, there are instruction on Janine’s post.    Here …

When You Can’t Go

CaraACFW, writing advice Leave a Comment

ACFW is about three weeks away — Gack! That means there’s a lot of excited chatter…including yours truly. For me, it’s like a once a year family reunion with my writer peeps — including so many of the Writer Alley pals and Grove girl sisters. These folks understand a big piece of my life. This year I’m coleading a continuing education session, so I’ll be pretty busy preparing for that. Today though my heart is turned toward those who won’t be able to attend.