5 Reasons to Stop the Comparison Game

Carafaith thoughts, Parenting 1 Comment

Parenting isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s hard enough to mother in a generation where there are more how-to books than any one person could read. And each has a different strategy, a different technique, a different this-is-the-way-you-must-mother-or-you-have-epically-failed. Yet this ignores several important elements. 1) Each child is completely different. I have certainly seen this played out in my …

The Comparison Game

Carafaith thoughts, Parenting 1 Comment

Late last week I was somewhere – where doesn’t matter – but as I left my heart was grieved. Why? Because I listened to two younger moms talk for almost an hour about who’s schedule was more chaotic and driven than the others. As I listened my heart broke in so many ways. Maybe you can guess some of them. …