One of the things I’ve been piloting in my day job is a program for graduating senior women to help them with the transition from college student to first job and the first six months. This week we met for our first Zoom session post graduation. Beyond it being wonderful to see these young women who I’ve invested so much …
Monday Musings: Finding Beauty
This is an opportunity to press in. Life often goes very fast for our family. We’ve had years of taking the kids somewhere every night of the week. That hasn’t been our life since about March 15th. Instead we’ve had a chance to slow down. Spend time together. And press into our walk with God through the gift of time to read, journal, and process. I’ve been reading Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen and None Like Him by Jen Wilkin. Get Out of Your Head has been the kick I needed to push out of my thoughts. If your mind is anything like mine has been lately, it is so easy to spiral in our thoughts and this book has been what I needed to stop some of the craziness between my ears. None Like Him has helped me remember all the ways God is bigger and oh so different from me. It’s led me to focus on who He is and helped me lift my eyes from me. The combination of the two is a powerful one-two punch.
Confessions of a Wonder Woman
I was reminded this week of one of the nicknames I’ve acquired over time. It’s one that wears me out just typing it: Wonder Woman. I’ve been able to do a lot of wonderful things during my relatively short life. I’ve been blessed, but sometimes it’s exhausting trying to live up to people’s expectation that I am Wonder Woman.I know …
Release: 16 months in
This has been an odd 16 months for me. I’ve talked some about how my word for last year–and now this year–is RELEASE. I knew it wouldn’t be an easy word, but I had no idea just how deep and hard this period would be. If you feel God has lead you to a wilderness place, lean into Him. And trust that He will work it for your good as He speaks tenderly to you. And then we can compare notes.
Books that Build Your Faith
Today, I thought I’d deviate from the traditional Fiction Friday theme long enough to talk about some books I’m reading that are perfect for building faith. There’s something about the first month of a new year that makes me more intentional. This year I want to read more books that will build my faith and mind as well as the fiction …
5 Reasons to Stop the Comparison Game
Parenting isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s hard enough to mother in a generation where there are more how-to books than any one person could read. And each has a different strategy, a different technique, a different this-is-the-way-you-must-mother-or-you-have-epically-failed. Yet this ignores several important elements. 1) Each child is completely different. I have certainly seen this played out in my …
Releasing: A look at my word of the year
This year has been an interesting year, one that has taken twists and turns I did not anticipate when the year started. When I first got my word of the year in late December, I’ll admit I had not idea what it meant or why it was my word. In fact it struck me as an incredibly strange choice. Did …
10 Ways Your Word Guides Your Year
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about how to find Your Word for 2017. A logical question several of you had was, “Now that I have my word, now what?”
That’s a great question, so today I wanted to share ten ways that a Word can help direct your year. You may find that some or none of these apply to you. If you’ve used the word in other ways, I would love to learn about those, so be sure to leave a comment.
A word can give you a prayer focus. If God has given you a word, a next step is to begin to ask God why. What does He want you to learn as you focus on the word?
2017 Word: How do you find yours?
The calendar has flipped to a new month and year. Ready or not, we are embarking on the new year, a chapter in the book of our lives. I’m trying to be intentional about how I embark on this new year. One way I do that is by asking God if there is a theme He wants to work …
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