What Made Joshua Different

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I’ve always wondered what Moses did that led God to call him His friend. When you read the Old Testament books that Moses appears in, you see him doing things like: Pushing back against his calling: Exodus 3:11, 13; 4:1, 10,13 Arguing with God: Numbers 14:13-16 Became impatient: Numbers 20:10-12 What made Joshua different? @Cara_Putman shares some thoughts today. Click …

Living with a Different Spirit

Carafaith thoughts 6 Comments

Like many of you, I’ve been reading my way through the Bible. I’m starting Deuteronomy this week, but have been pondering this verse: But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it. Numbers 14:24. @cara_putman urges us to live life …

What made Joshua and Caleb different?

Carafaith thoughts 17 Comments

I’ve been thinking about this as I read/listened to the book of Joshua again this week. There was a significant difference in the way that Joshua and Caleb approached life and uncertainty than the other Israelite spies and the population as a whole. We have the opportunity to exercise a different mentality right now as we experience the uncertainty of COVID-19 and quarantines.


Carafaith thoughts 4 Comments

What has resonated in my heart with startling clarity is the idea that God is I AM. Not I was (You’re too late. If you’d come earlier, I could have helped you, but it’s too late. You’ve missed your window. So sorry.). Not I will be (You’re too early. You’re not ready. You’re not good enough. You’re not clean enough. You have too much sin still coating your life). Instead, He is the I AM. I AM enough. I AM the perfect sacrifice. I AM the one who took care of it all. I AM the one with a plan. I AM the way. In this moment, I AM.