Collision of Logic & Imagination

Carafaith thoughts 2 Comments

I want to suck the very marrow from this life I’ve been placed here to live. I want to know I’ve walked in the destiny of a story that God alone could write. And if that leaves me shaking in my boots, it means I may have actually found my story.

I want to live beyond a logic-driven, left-brain existence, and dive into the land of what-ifs where God resides.

That My Steps might be Steady

Carafaith thoughts 2 Comments

My goal in the way I lead life is for my steps to always be pointed toward Jesus. It doesn’t mean I’m perfect. It doesn’t mean things I do or say aren’t taken out of context and misinterpreted. But I’m learning I’m not responsible for another person’s behavior. I’m responsible for my heart, my motives, my actions. That’s what I can control.

When the Way of Wisdom Means Trust

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This week I’ve continued to think about wisdom and how we acquire it for the decisions in our lives. Maybe it’s not about how to schedule our time. Maybe instead our decision is about a job, where to live, whether to sell a house, how to parent a child, etc. There are so many areas in our lives that demand wisdom.  As …

Faith: Live in His Presence

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Live in His presence.

That was the command that God gave to Abram in Genesis 17. This was after God has promised Abram at least twice that he would have more descendants than he could count. It’s after Sarai interjects herself into God’s plan and tells Abram to build a family through Hagar.

Thoughts on Bravery

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At different times different themes seem to appear in my life. Right now I am surrounded by people who are called to be braver than they ever imagined. The dictionary defines brave as: ready to face or endure danger or pain; showing courage. None of the people I’m thinking of think of themselves as brave. In fact they would probably tell …

The Myth I will ever be Enough

Carafaith thoughts, life; faith Leave a Comment

I just got back from ACFW Sunday night…and have been diving back into life since then. As I focus on what happened at the conference, I come back to the reality that I am nothing without God. My dreams…bankrupt without Him to breathe life into them. My friendships…filled with self without Him to turn the focus to service. My ambitions…meaningless …