Fiction Friday: Indentured Earl by Erica Vetsch

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There’s something about a book that will pull me back in time that I’ve loved more than ever this last year. As a reader, I tend to split my time between historicals and suspense (I know! Quite a blend, but there you have it.) The Indebted Earl was an enjoyable Regency with a wonderful heroine and interesting hero. Captain Charles …

What I’m Reading + Giveaway

CaraFiction Friday 10 Comments

So many fantastics books have come out lately. I’ve been reading as my to be read pile comtinues to grow. There’s something about the temperatures turning cooler (and the grading piling up!) that makes me want to curl up with books. Today I thought I’d share a few of my recent favorites. I’d love to know what you’re reading and …

Books I Loved in August + Giveaway

CaraFiction Friday 3 Comments

I think because classes started this week at Purdue, I’ve been in a race to read some good books. The above are just a few of them that I’ve inhaled and recommended. Here’s why I loved them: @cara_putman shares 5 books she loved in August as well as a #giveaway. #FictionFriday Click To Tweet The Price of Valor is Susan May …

Ask the Librarian with Giveaway

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The libraries have been closed where we are for a number of weeks…and that’s hard for people who love books and the joy of exploring the stacks. I know I’ve discovered many authors through that process. I also know that many of you are passionate about your favorite authors and do a great job supporting them. A wonderful way to …

Fiction Friday historicals and a giveaway!

CaraFiction Friday 15 Comments

It’s Fiction Friday and today that means I’m looking at two historicals that just released and I really enjoyed. Also, if you read to the end I’m giving away a copy of Jaime Jo Wright’s The House on Foster Hill. I enjoyed this book so much that I endorsed it and now I want to share a copy with one …

Fiction Friday: Vanishing Point & Blind Spot

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Yesterday I turned in Delayed Justice, the third book in the Hidden Justice series, at about two in the morning. Technically, it was still deadline day…sort of. Writing is one of those love/hate relationships. I like how Jaime’s story turned out, yet at the same time, I’m sure there will be plenty to fix in edits. The good news is that the bones are there and the spiritual thread works…I think. This is why I have editors…to let me know what really works.