Fiction Friday: Rule of Law & Crown of Souls

CaraFiction Friday 14 Comments

I’ve been so busy writing, I haven’t written a lot of posts about the books I’ve been reading. Today’s your lucky day because these are two really great suspense novels. And if you continue to the end, I’m giving away one copy of Randy’s Rule of Law. Love #suspense? @cara_putman #givingaway Rule of Law, one of best reads this fall along …

Fiction Friday: A Read for Everyone

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For today’s Fiction Friday, I wanted to bring you two of the books I read this week in Italy. Beneath Copper Falls is available for a pre-order ebook sale of $4.99 right now, and Heart on the Line just released this week. Both were really enjoyable reads, and authored by two of my go-to authors. I know with Colleen Coble …

Fiction Friday & Thank You!

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It’s Friday and that means I want to tell you about a book I’ve recently inhaled. But first a sidenote: how on earth is it already the 19th of May! I may be hyperventilating over here!

Okay. Deep breath. Back to Fiction Friday.

This week, that’s Fatal Mistake, a romantic suspense that released a couple books ago and was written by my friend Susan Sleeman. I’m very excited that as I’m telling you about Fatal Mistake (May 19), it’s on ebook sale for $4.99.

Fiction Friday: a look at my TBR pile + Giveaway

CaraFiction Friday 2 Comments

It’s Fiction Friday and I’ve been laboring under deadlines. A very good thing when you’re an author. But it means I haven’t read quite as much as I usually do. So I thought we’d have some fun today. Above is a photo of most of the book in my TBR pile. Since I will soon be past deadline on both books I’m working on, which book would you read first? Why?

Fiction Friday: What I’m Reading

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This week I’ve had the privilege of reading two books for endorsement. First I read Weaver’s Needle by Robin Caroll and Sweetbriar Cottage by Denise Hunter. These two ladies are some of my favorite authors, and I can tell you now that June is going to be a great month for reading. Looking for a new book? @Cara_Putman is talking about …

Fiction Friday: Justice Delayed & Giveaway

CaraFiction Friday 2 Comments

Today’s Friday Fiction focus is on Justice Delayed by Patricia Bradley. Here’s more about the story. It’s been eighteen years since TV crime reporter Andi Hollister’s sister was murdered. The confessed killer is behind bars, and the execution date is looming. But when a letter surfaces stating that the condemned killer didn’t actually do it, Detective Will Kincaide of the …