Fiction Friday: The Methuselah Project

CaraFiction Friday 4 Comments

This book’s storyline is a twist of historical and contemporary intersecting with a Captain America type character. Don’t think this is a copy though — instead it has a unique twist to the many experiments German scientists were running on people during the war. It’s a plot that will get your mind thinking and wondering with enough romance for those who cant read a book without it!

Fiction Friday: Married ’til Monday

CaraFiction Friday 32 Comments

Denise Hunter writes emotional romances. Married ’til Monday perfectly fits that model. In Married ’til Monday the reader gets pulled into Ryan McKinley’s broken marriage — he didn’t want it to end…in fact he’s bought his ex-wife’s dream home in some delusional attempt to live the dream. Abby is getting ready to move far away in what she thinks is her dream job. …

Fiction Friday: Sarah Sundin’s Through Waters Deep

CaraFiction Friday 3 Comments

Today I’m delighted to introduce you to my friend and co-author of Where Treetops Glisten Sarah Sundin. I love Sarah’s World War II novels — she does so much research and has such a passion for the time period that they really come to life. Today, I’m asking her about her latest novel Through Waters Deep. Now I loved this novel! I think it’s one …

Fiction Friday: Love Arrives in Pieces

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Betsy St. Amant joined my list of must-read authors with All’s Fair in Love & Cupcakes, a fun (and sweet) romance. With Love Arrives in Pieces, she’s solidified her place as a go-to contemporary romance authors. This story has a depth that will speak to many women. We so often confuse who we are with how we look. We either focus so …