Over the weekend Amazon threw me a whole orchard of lemons.What happened?My publishing account closed and all of my indie and republished books were removed and my earned payments kept. It’s a #preorder #giveaway with @Cara_Putman for We Three Kings, her new book… Click To Tweet It was a writer’s worst nightmare, and sometime I’ll share the full story because …
A trip, beauty, and a Giveaway
This has been a quick week with a trip to North Carolina for a conference/vacation. I’ve had the opportunity to learn and present at a scholarship of teaching and learning conference tied to my day job while also exploring the North Carolina mountains with my family. It’s a last hurrah before life gets insane with the start of school and …
The Unique Challenges of Writing Out of Order
Last month I wrote a prequel to my next legal suspense.One challenge was that it was written AFTER the first book in the legal suspense series. I had/have a very detailed outline. It was why I could write the book so very fast. And I also had/have a detailed character study of the hero and heroine. But I heard from …
Across the Shores Release Giveaway!
Join us as we celebrate the release of our novella collection, Across the Shores. Find order links to your favorite retailer here. @cara_putman and coauthors are celebrating the release of Across the Shores with a #giveaway. Join the fun! Click To Tweet Sometimes love finds you where you are, and other times it meets you across distant shores as four …
Audiobooks? 5 Inexpensive Ways to Listen & Giveaway
A few years ago, I couldn’t imagine listening to audiobooks for any length of time. @Cara_putman loves #audiobooks and has a #giveaway for one of hers. Join the fun! Click To Tweet Partly this was because of cost. Partly it’s because I love the feel of a book. Partly because I don’t always love the narrators. But I reached a …
Historical Romance Giveaway!
Today I’m partnering with Revell for a giveaway of the latest releases from these authors: Amanda Cabot, Rachel Fordham, Laura Frantz, Ann Gabhart and Stephenia McGee. I loved having these ladies on Book Talk and hope you enjoy this chance to learn more about their books. The Spark of Love, by Amanda Cabot: When a spurned suitor threatens her, …
Book Talk International Historical Panel and Giveaway
Today’s special guests on Book Talk with Cara are Kelli Stuart and Joanna Politano. Both of these friends write the most immersive international historical novels. You’ll enjoy our conversation about how they find their ideas, the research they conduct, and so much more. Join @cara_putman for Book Talk and a #giveaway with @KelliStuart and @politano_joanna #amreading Click To Tweet Be …
Sweet Contemporary Romance Giveaway
Today I’m delighted to host a special edition of Book Talk with four guests: Melody Carlson, Irene Hannon, Liz Johnson and Suzanne Woods Fisher. Their publisher has graciously agreed to giveaway a copy of each of their most recent books. Entering is simple. Just use the form below. Here’s more about their most recent sweet contemporary romance novels: Join @cara_putman …
Classic Hollywood Reviews: Dial M for Murder
As we near the release of Stars in the Night, I’m sharing some of my favorite classic movies with you. Why? Because Stars in the Night is set partly in 1942 Hollywood and entirely in the world of the stars. I have long loved classic movies, and would love to know what your favorites are as well. And even though …
Classic Hollywood Reviews: The Thin Man
As we near the release of Stars in the Night, I’m sharing some of my favorite classic movies with you. Why? Because Stars in the Night is set partly in 1942 Hollywood and entirely in the world of the stars. I have long loved classic movies, and would love to know what your favorites are as well. And even though …