The Genesis of Lethal Intent & Giveaway

CaraFiction Friday Leave a Comment

@Cara_putman shares the story behind Lethal Intent and a massive #giveaway. Click To Tweet Each novel has a unique genesis story. The spark that launches it into a journey of 90,000 words. For Lethal Intent, that journey began with a friend’s journey of childhood leukemia with her oldest. From watching their family wind through years of treatment including cutting edge therapy …

Thankful for You + Giveaway

Caragiveaway, Thank you 11 Comments

It’s Thanksgiving week, so my thoughts have turned to gratitude. Maybe yours have, too. It’s Thanksgiving and @Cara_putman is grateful for readers. She’s #givingaway Hidden Justice series and Flight Risk. Click To Tweet There’s so much to be grateful for, even more in a year that has been far from normal…what is normal anyway?This year I want to fix my …

What I’m Reading + Giveaway

CaraFiction Friday 10 Comments

So many fantastics books have come out lately. I’ve been reading as my to be read pile comtinues to grow. There’s something about the temperatures turning cooler (and the grading piling up!) that makes me want to curl up with books. Today I thought I’d share a few of my recent favorites. I’d love to know what you’re reading and …

Want to help me brainstorm?

Carawriting Leave a Comment

I’m in the midst of planning and scheming my next book series. In fact that’s what I spent time on yesterday and will spend more hours on tomorrow.

There is so much that goes into that process. I create characters. Heroes. Heroines. Supporting characters. Pets. Churches. Jobs. Places they work. And towns.

Sometimes I use real places. Other times I’ve used fictional. Both work and can be fun. But for this new series I want to create a new small, bedroom community outside Washington, D.C. Think of it as a commuter community. That means I need a name, and a couple weeks ago on Facebook I got my readers involved in generating ideas. It was so much fun reading their 80+ ideas. Now I wanted to give you a chance to join the fun! I wanted to invite you to be part of my brainstorming process on this series. 

Books I Loved in August + Giveaway

CaraFiction Friday 3 Comments

I think because classes started this week at Purdue, I’ve been in a race to read some good books. The above are just a few of them that I’ve inhaled and recommended. Here’s why I loved them: @cara_putman shares 5 books she loved in August as well as a #giveaway. #FictionFriday Click To Tweet The Price of Valor is Susan May …

Books to Encourage in Chaotic Times

Carafaith thoughts 1 Comment

In our hourse we’re preparing for the kids to return to school and for me to return to face-to-face classes at Purdue. We all came home in mid-March, and I’d say we’re largely ready to see what the fall has in store. This year has been the year of Flexible Chaos, and I’m certain it’s not over yet! How are …