Physical distancing is hard for this extrovert. Still I’m hunkered down with my family for the foreseeable future to help protect others. There are a few things I’m doing to help keep us in a good place. Light a few candles so your space smells good. Choose music to play in the background that puts you in a good headspace. …
What If & Giveaway
These are the questions that drive writers through their days and nights. What if? Any time I’m reading a magazine or newspaper, in the back of my mind I’m wondering what could happen or how I could mix it up. Then when I’m ready to hunt for new ideas, I’ll review links and ideas I’ve collected over time. Maybe the …
Giveaway: The Grumble Free Year by Tricia Goyer
When I was at ALA at the end of January, one of the delights was spending time with my friend and co-author Tricia Goyer. We have written together, and I count her as one of the gifts of my writing life. It was a wonderful surprise and treat when I realized that she was going to be at ALA. And then …
Detour to Germany & Giveaway
Last March, my husband and I lead a team of young adults from our church to Turkey over Spring Break. It was one of those unexpected delights as we spent a week in Instanbul exploring the city and culture. While we were there, I really connected with the team lead (it’s amazing what happens when you make coffee for 30 …
Fiction Friday: Books to add to Your TBR Pile + Giveaway
Ready or not it’s December and we 19 days from Christmas. Is anyone else wondering how on earth this happened and where 2019 had disappeared? I wanted to sneak one more Fiction Friday into the year…Maybe I’ll have a chance to post a couple more, but with the speed this year has passed in, I’m not making promises! If you …
Mackinac Island Getaway & Giveaway
Labor Day weekend found my family making the 7.5 hour drive from Indiana up the length of Michigan to Mackinac Island. This was our fourth visit to the island, but the first time we didn’t have an infant or toddler. We laughed and hiked and biked and shopped and had an all around great time connecting. This summer we hadn’t …
Fiction Friday Returns & Giveaway
The start to the semester has been hectic, but I’m back…with Fiction Friday. I’ve squeezed in time to read some really good books, and in classic Cara fashion, they are from a wide variety of genres. Truly something for every reader. Diamond in the Rough is a great example of why Jen Turano is a go-to for me. I spent …
Fiction Friday: Books, Sales, & Giveaway
It’s July and thatmeans the countdown to back-to-school is starting. In four weeks my three younger kids start 11th, 6th, and 4th grade. Two weeks later our oldest starts her sophomore year at Purdue. There’s so much I still want to do, but the reality is days are ticking down.But it also means many of us have some sort of …
Touring the Bookstores of Florence + Giveaway
This morning, I’m sweating in Florence, Italy. It’s supposed to hit 105 degrees, without the humidity added in. It’s hard to be too miserable as long as there is plenty of shade and water. This year while I’ve taught study abroad in Florence, I’ve been popping in and out of a lot of fun bookstores. I don’t think I’d realized …
More Audiobooks Release and a Giveaway
Do you love audiobooks? In addition to the Hidden Justice series, I have recently released four audiobooks with four more on the way. I would love to gift free promo codes to some of you my readers. You can use the rafflecopter below to enter. You can also click on the audiobook cover images below to be taken to the …